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Jordan Bardella’s National Rally Eyes Major Gains in French Parliamentary Elections

Jordan Bardella
Jordan Bardella

Jordan Bardella, leader of France’s far-right National Rally party, is positioning his party as a formidable contender in the upcoming parliamentary elections, emphasizing their readiness to address pressing issues such as the cost of living crisis, immigration, and public safety. Bardella, at 28 years old, presents the National Rally as the sole credible alternative capable of meeting France’s aspirations, aiming to secure a majority in the National Assembly.

Central to the National Rally’s platform is a tough stance on immigration and law enforcement. They propose expelling foreign criminals and limiting immigration by abolishing the right to nationality (droit du sol) for long-term residents who arrived between the ages of 11 and 18.

These policies resonate with a significant portion of the electorate, positioning National Rally ahead of other major parties like President Emmanuel Macron’s centrist Renew party and the left-wing New Popular Front in opinion polls.

Jordan Bardella

Jordan Bardella

Despite their strong showing in polls, projections suggest National Rally may fall short of an absolute majority in the 577-seat National Assembly. Bardella’s ambitions to become prime minister hinge on this election outcome, underscored by upcoming televised debates where he faces off against other party leaders, including Prime Minister Gabriel Attal.

Bardella’s platform also includes nationalist economic policies such as prioritizing French citizens in defense and security roles and restricting welfare benefits to French nationals. These proposals have sparked criticism from opponents, including accusations of divisiveness and constitutional challenges.

Moreover, Bardella has pledged significant reforms in education, proposing bans on mobile phones in schools and advocating for school uniforms to enforce authority. His party’s international stance, including maintaining support for Ukraine while setting limits on military engagement abroad, aims to strike a balance between national sovereignty and global relationships.

In contrast, Bardella’s opponents, particularly on the left, criticize his policies as unfeasible and divisive, warning against the potential societal impacts of National Rally’s nationalist agenda. The election campaign has also brought sensitive issues like antisemitism to the forefront, with Bardella’s rivals accusing him and his allies of minimizing or overlooking rising antisemitic incidents in France.

As France prepares for the parliamentary elections in two rounds, the political landscape remains highly polarized, with Bardella and National Rally positioning themselves as a disruptive force challenging the established centrist and left-wing parties.

The outcome of these elections will not only determine the composition of the National Assembly but also shape the future direction of French politics amidst ongoing economic challenges and social tensions.

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