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Trump’s Debate Strategy: Confidence in Victory, Raising Biden’s Expectations, Criticizing Moderators

Trump's Debate Strategy: Confidence in Victory, Raising Biden's Expectations, Criticizing Moderators
Trump's Debate Strategy: Confidence in Victory, Raising Biden's Expectations, Criticizing Moderators

In the lead-up to the first presidential debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden, Trump’s messaging strategy is multifaceted, reflecting both confidence and caution. Initially, Trump portrays himself as poised for a resounding victory over Biden, anticipating unanimous praise from pundits for his performance.

He emphasizes Biden’s supposed inability to match his rhetorical prowess, aiming to project an image of dominance and certain excellence in contrast to Biden’s perceived weaknesses.

However, Trump’s campaign adjusts its approach by strategically raising expectations for Biden. This tactic seeks to prevent Biden from easily claiming victory merely by meeting minimal expectations—a trap often fallen into by opponents who underestimate Biden’s capabilities.

Trump himself acknowledges Biden’s debating skills based on past performances, particularly highlighting Biden’s debate with Paul Ryan in 2012, where, according to Trump, Biden “destroyed” Ryan.

Despite recognizing Biden’s strengths in debates, Trump’s campaign continues to attack Biden’s mental acuity, suggesting he may be reliant on drugs to perform adequately.

Trump's Debate Strategy: Confidence in Victory, Raising Biden's Expectations, Criticizing Moderators

Trump’s Debate Strategy: Confidence in Victory, Raising Biden’s Expectations, Criticizing Moderators

This narrative, propagated by Trump and his surrogates like Rep. Ronny Jackson, who demanded drug tests for Biden, attempts to undermine Biden’s credibility and readiness for the debate. This line of attack aligns with broader criticisms from Trump about Biden’s mental fitness, despite occasional acknowledgments of Biden’s debating ability.

Further complicating the messaging strategy is Trump’s criticism of the debate moderators, Jake Tapper and Dana Bash from CNN, accusing them of bias. This preemptive critique serves several purposes: to influence the moderators’ behavior, to preemptively discredit unfavorable outcomes, and potentially to provide an excuse to withdraw from the debate if it doesn’t suit Trump’s interests.

Trump’s pre-debate message is a mix of confidence in his own abilities, caution in setting expectations for Biden, and preemptive strikes against both Biden’s credibility and the debate’s fairness. This approach reflects a calculated effort to control the narrative surrounding the debate and to maximize Trump’s advantage while preparing for potential challenges and outcomes.

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