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Ex-Informant Accused of Lying About Bidens Alleged Russian Contacts

Credits: San Diego Union-Tribune

In a recent court filing, prosecutors revealed that Alexander Smirnov, a former FBI informant who made false bribery allegations against President Biden and his son Hunter, claimed to have received information from Russian intelligence. The memo portrays Smirnov, 43, as a habitual liar who struggled to provide accurate details about his life.

According to the prosecutors, Smirnov alleged that individuals associated with Russian intelligence were behind the dissemination of a story involving Hunter Biden. He even asserted that he had meetings with Russian intelligence officials as recently as three months prior to his arrest.

These revelations raised concerns about national security and deemed Smirnov a flight risk. Despite the serious allegations, Smirnov was released on Tuesday on a personal recognizance bond following a detention hearing in Las Vegas, where he has resided since 2022.

Ex-Informant (Credits: NY1)

His attorneys, David Chesnoff and Richard Schonfeld, confirmed his release. Prosecutors emphasized Smirnov’s unreliability, highlighting his penchant for deception.

The memo depicted him as a “human hall of mirrors,” fabricating stories about the Bidens and misleading authorities about his personal wealth, estimated at $6 million.

Moreover, Smirnov claimed to work in the security industry, although the government found no evidence to support this assertion. While the filing did not specify the exact nature of the story fed to Smirnov by Russian intelligence, it underscored the difficulty in discerning the truth from his myriad falsehoods.

The case involving Smirnov highlights the complex dynamics of disinformation and the challenges in verifying sources’ credibility, especially in matters involving national security and high-profile individuals.

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