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Secret Recording Reveals Trump and Michael Cohen Allegedly Discussing Hush Money Payment, Heard by Jurors

Donald Trump (Credits: Pennsylvania Capital-Star)

The recording played in the hush money trial of former President Donald Trump offers a peep into a conversation between Trump and his former attorney Michael Cohen regarding the alleged plan to pay off Karen McDougal, a former Playboy model who claimed to have had an extramarital affair with Trump.

In the recording, Cohen can be heard discussing the need to set up a company to handle the transfer of funds related to the deal, mentioning David Pecker, the publisher of the National Enquirer. Cohen also mentions speaking to Allen Weisselberg, the former CFO of the Trump Organization, about how to arrange the payment.

Donald J. Trump (Credits: Yahoo)

Trump is heard asking about the amount to be paid, suggesting $150,000, and even suggesting making the payment in cash at one point. However, Cohen reassures him that he has it covered.

The recording sheds light on the negotiations surrounding the payment to McDougal, which was eventually made by American Media Inc. in the summer of 2016. Despite their initial discussions, Trump did not reimburse AMI for the payment after Pecker backed out of the deal.

During cross-examination, Trump’s attorney Emil Bove attempted to cast doubt on the integrity of the recording, suggesting it may have been subject to manipulation.

Trump (Credits: Vanity Fair)

However, the expert witness, Douglas Daus, testified that he found no evidence of tampering with Cohen’s phone or the data related to the recording.

The recording is expected to be a focal point of the trial, potentially resurfacing when Cohen is called to testify. It provides insight into the discussions and negotiations surrounding the hush money payment, which is a key aspect of the case against Trump.

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