Haikyuu is a Japanese manga that was written and illustrated by Haruichi Furudate. The anime has released so far 3 seasons, and currently, the 4th season, To The Top, is premiering on television and Crunchyroll. The first half of this season was released in July 2020, while the second half was released in October 2020 due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Here is what happened in the final episode of the 4th season and the news on the next episodes for the story.
Recap of the 25th Episode
At the sign of victory, the Karasuno team rushes to hug each other. Sugawara tearfully hugs Kageyama and Hinata while beaming with pride. The players of Inarizaki are shown to be feeling a wide variety of emotions such as denial and defeat as Atsumu and Osamu realize they fooled around during the game. As the teams shook hands, the announcer comments on how the Karasuno team has advanced the levels. After shaking hands with Kageyama, Atsumu calls out to Hinata and tells him that he will set for him after they defeat them at the next Inter high. As the Karasuno team line up to thank their supporters, Daichi becomes emotional because had it not been for the cheering crowd, the team wouldn’t have won. During an interview, Coach Kurosu is asked what could have been the reason for Inarizaki’s defeat. He says that they could’ve played more aggressively, and he takes the blame for the loss, despite that the players have made greater strides.
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The Miya twins attempt to apologize to Kita, but he prevents them from doing so under the impression that they will feel relief if they did so. While Kita supports their decision of using their new quick attack at the end of their match, he does not like it when they attempt something new at the end of every match as they did not practice before. In the storage area, the Karasuno players show signs of exhaustion, with some looking to sleep. Sugawara and Ennoshita are amazed at the sight of Tsukishima being so weary that he doesn’t notice that he is already wearing a jacket while putting on a second jacket. Two of them are more surprised to see Hinata least likely to pass out. Tsukishima points out that this is probably because it witnessed someone having a special moment, and Hinata is more hooked on basketball more than ever.
When leaving the arena, Mika becomes excited and says that she might’ve already become a Karasuno fan. She asks Suguru who will Karasuno now play against, and he answers that Nekoma will be their next opponent. Later at night, the Karasuno team watches the coverage of the tournament. They laugh and have fun over their embarrassing moments. Bokuto tells Akaashi that he will be continuing to play volleyball even after high school, but wishes he could play with his current team. Akaashi agrees with his decision. The Nekoma team is watching their own tournament coverage while commenting on how their team is commented as the consistent team. Yamamoto is annoyed at the fact that they are compared as a lesser team to Karasuno. The next morning, the Karasuno and Nekoma team meet with each other at the stadium.
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Release date for the 26th episode
There is no episode 26 for the show as the finale has already aired. However, there is another season, Season 5, already announced for the anime. It is claimed that it might release in late 2021 or early 2022. We will get more news on that soon enough. It will even open to new plotlines and arcs for the characters.