Skeleton Knight In Another World Episode 9

Skeleton Knight In Another World Episode 9 Release Date: The Raid Continues

In the final episodes, Skeleton knight has something resembling an Arc (no pun intended). Skeleton Knight In Another World Episode 9 will dive deeper into Arc’s group fighting against the traffickers. The series has had humans depicted as the villains from the get-go. It’s a good thing our protagonist doesn’t resemble one. Arc went from helping a Dark Elf noble free her kidnapped brethren to an animal-eared ninja doing the same. Some might find the lack of something new to be off-putting, but the series doesn’t have to be new if it does old things well. Another anime this season, Dawn of the witch, uses the old fantasy tropes in a new and exciting way. The result is you end up wanting more from the series.

The events that lead to Episode 9 of Skeleton Knight In Another World have Arc accommodating his new allies. Their mission is to put an end to a company selling beastman for profit and personal gain. We see Arc getting along with one of his new teammates, a beast-man ninja. No, it’s not the small black-eared one but her Bulky mate Goemon. The two get along as men and quickly develop respect for each other. But they also had a competitive streak with each other, which blew things out of proportion…

Skeleton Knight In Another World Episode 9
CC: Skeleton Knight In Another World Franchise

Skeleton Knight In Another World Episode 9

Episode 9 of Skeleton Knight In Another World will be a fun dose as the raid at the black market trafficking company continues. Arc and Goemon’s little competition went out of proportion, and now they have all the attention they need. Their job was to act as a decoy for the other to sneak in, but the trouble they have caused speaks for itself. Arian has traveled with Arc for a good while now and is aware of his antics. It was nice to see her looking tired when the commotion caused by Arc and Goemon went out of control.

Though Episode 9 of Skeleton Knight In Another World indicates that the series is a few episodes short of completion, Ponta will be missed if no one else is. Still, the series had a bit of following when it was announced that Overlord is coming next season. We will be trading a skeleton knight for a skeleton mage pretending to be a knight loved by a succubus.

Skeleton Knight In Another World Episode 9
CC: Skeleton Knight In Another World Franchise

What is the release date of Skeleton Knight In Another World Episode 9?

Episode 9 of Skeleton Knight In Another World will be released on the 2nd of June 2022. For Australia, everyone can enjoy it on the same day of the release. The release time for different regions is listed below. The show can be seen on AT-X, Tokyo MX, SUN, and  BS11 networks in Japan.

  • Pacific Time: 6:30 AM PDT
  • Central Time: 8:30 AM CDT
  • Eastern Time: 9:30 AM EST
  • British Time: 2:30 PM BST
  • Indian Time: 7 PM IST
  • Australian Standard Time: 11:30 PM

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Where to watch Skeleton Knight In Another World Episode 9?

Episode 9 of Skeleton Knight In Another World is streaming on Netflix And Crunchyroll. It can be watched in almost all countries. The series is available for free in Muse Asia. It will be available for a few hours in a few countries before it is eventually taken down.

What is Skeleton Knight In Another World about?

Skeleton Knight in Another World starts with an unknown gamer playing an MMO until he falls asleep. When the strange character wakes up, he finds himself in a different place; the scenery around him is like nothing he has seen anywhere. He roams around and finds himself bulky and his viewpoint higher. Puzzled by this, he walks to the nearest lake and sees his face. He sees a skeleton in place of his. And soon starts to realize he might be in the game he was playing before going to sleep. Once he had made sure it was all natural and not a dream, he decided to go on a journey of this gaming world as Arc.

Ennki Hakari is the creator of the novel series. Studio Kai adapted the series for anime.