Based on a still-popular apocalyptic comedy, Lucifer And The Biscuit Hammer was one of this season’s most anticipated anime. With the original material being so simple yet well done, it should have been simple to adapt the series into a terrific animation. Unfortunately, many fans have been completely disappointed by what they’ve seen thus far, making the series appear to be a low-effort production with even worse quality. Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer, plagued by terrible animation, weird pace, and an overall cheap vibe, has already turned off most viewers eagerly anticipating it.
This also makes the story and character components feel extremely collective, sabotaging what made the original manga so well-received.
Why Are Fans Disappointed With Lucifer And The Biscuit Hammer’s Anime Adaptation?
The animation was something that fans were concerned about after seeing the original video and photos for Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer. Those concerns were justified after watching the first episode. The series makes immense use of still pictures, making the program feel more like a motion comic than a genuine anime at times. This very cheap and stagnant animation style was also seen in Netflix’s version of The Way of the Househusband, which was highly condemned. Anything beyond that seems especially bad, given how frozen and lifeless the fundamental dialogue sequences are.
Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer may have seemed more unusual when it premiered in the mid-2000s, mixing its premise with unexpected, occasionally clownish hilarity. Unfortunately for the program, such features are no longer unique or humorous, and the show comes off as a cheap replica of far better or similarly common anime from years past. The series’ impassive protagonist Yuuhi, who is about as intriguing as a wet napkin, adds to the dullness.
It’s bad enough that he’s uninteresting, but he spends so much of the first episode simply rejecting his calling. These moments are full of weak efforts at humor, such as him weirdly flipping away the talking lizard. The whole movie feels too bored with itself to accomplish much other than spin its wheels.
Where To Watch “Lucifer And The Biscuit Hammer”?
The creators made everything so mundane with the slow start that it made the original manga look worse. At the same time, its origins were not as bleak as today, offering few save the most ardent fans any cause to stick around. Those interested in watching Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer may do so on Crunchyroll and Hulu.
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