The horror film “Abandoned,” directed by novice filmmaker Spencer Squire, is definitely not the ideal way to begin one’s filmmaking career. The narrative follows...
Yuzuru Tachikawa and Hasui Takahira’s action, humor, and quirky anime, Mob Psycho 100, is adapted from an original manga series produced by Mangaka ONE....
Bachelor fans are now slowly getting more insight into Michelle Young and Nayte Olukoya’s decision to call off their engagement after she looked for...
MAPPA studios have once again garnered attention with its latest release, The Chainsaw Man. The first episode is already out on Crunchyroll. The manga...
Jennifer Coolidge Is Pregnant: Jennifer Coolidge Audrey Coolidge is a comedian and actress from the United States. Many of her followers are wondering if...
Among the continuous new-gen anime, Jujutsu Kaisen is an ostensibly famous franchise driving the time forthright. Both are overwhelming the market with exceptional outcomes,...
Why Isn’t Bleach on Disney Plus? Disney Plus is a movie and television series streaming service that has millions of subscribers worldwide. Anime fans...
Alvin Kamara is an exceptionally colossal name in American football. He is a phenomenal player who has accomplished some serious recognition in his profession....
The American psychological horror film Megan Is Missing is directed, written, co-produced, and edited by Michael Goi. This movie premiered in 2011 but seems...