Lights, camera, and pranks! The show Impractical Jokers took this quite seriously. The show follows four friends, Brian “Q”‘ Quinn, James “Murr”‘ Murray, Joe...
The Flash is an American superhero series created by Greg Berlanti, Andrew Kreisberg, and Geoff Johns. The series follows Barry Allen, the DC incarnation...
The incredible Emmy-nominated series The Boys is ruling the television screens with its presence and wow factor! The 3rd season is absolutely entertaining and...
Anna Sorokin is a German con artist and fraudster. Sorokin pretended and disguised herself to fraud various financial institutions and banks. Between the years...
Rich Paul exemplifies how we should bridge the distance between seeing a dream and achieving it. This young African-American neither went to any big...
Travis Barker is a famous American Musician, Drummer, and Social Media Personality. Also, he is a Reality Television sensation. He appeared on the MTV...