Netflix original has recently released a terrifying miniseries, The Watcher, which is based on real events from the Broaddus family’s experience and created by...
In Investigation Discovery’s true crime series, The Murder Tapes, a murder investigation unfolds through tape. The series provides his close-up on the murder, including...
New procedural drama 9-1-1 from prolific creators Ryan Murphy and Brad Falchuk paces the lives and careers of first responders such as police officers,...
Ryan Dawkins is the CEO of Mascot Sports and lives in Oakland, California, and is the boyfriend of the American hairstylist and television personality...
Miss USA 2022 R’Bonney Gabriel responds to allegations from fellow contestants about her pageant victory this year. Gabriel, 28, made history by becoming the...
The private lives of the Kardashian-Jenner family are the subject of the American reality television program The Kardashians. Their previous program, Keeping Up with...
Japanese manga author Gege Akutami created the Jujutsu Kaisen manga. Since March 2018, it has been published in Shueisha’s shonen manga publication Weekly Shonen...
Eighth-grader Shigeo “Mob” Kageyama tapped into his inner source of psychic abilities from a young age. However, he recognizes the potential dangers in his...
One of America’s most notorious serial killers, Jeffrey Dahmer, grew up in a middle-class suburb of Akron, Bath Township, Ohio. Much has been written...
Detective Conan: Criminal Hanzawa is a Japanese manga series by Mayuko Kanba. A spin-off of Gosho Aoyama’s Detective Conan. Kanba published the manga in...
Netflix is a Los Gatos, California-based production firm and subscription streaming service founded in the United States. In addition to offering a library of...
Masked Dancer makes it even more difficult by providing “hints” that make difficult crossword puzzles look like My First Word Search without even making...
Sophie Labelle is a Canadian-born actress, dancer, singer, and thoughtful content creator. She earned her BFA from New York University, where she studied Experimental...
Our beloved American singer-songwriter Loretta Lynn has finally passed away. Loretta Webb was born in a miner’s cabin. The legendary singer married Oliver Lynn...
Photographer, former Black Panther father, and college professor, West grew up in Chicago and attended Chicago State University for a year before dropping out...