Royal Redemption offers a narrative about redemption and second chances. Princess Annette, who experienced scandal and heartbreak in her previous life, is granted a...
The Secret Bedroom of a Dejected Royal Daughter explores the tumultuous life of Lewellyn, a once-revered princess cursed with unrelenting desire after being forsaken...
German Chancellor Olaf Scholz responded to Elon Musk’s recent critical remarks, maintaining that he stays “cool” in the face of the personal insults. Musk...
Taro Sakamoto was once legendary as the world’s greatest assassin, known and feared throughout the underworld. Other hitmen admired him, and no one could...
Ayase Yuu has always lived under the shadow of his renowned mother, a highly esteemed actress known for her exceptional talent. Despite his impressive...
Rakugo is an extraordinary form of traditional storytelling where a performer brings an entire story to life using only their voice, facial expressions, and...
Chihiro is a young boy who spends his days learning the intricate craft of sword-making from his father, a renowned master swordsmith admired across...
Bones delivers a gritty, intense story of vengeance and transformation, centering on a protagonist’s journey from victim to avenger. Kang Jihyoung, once an ordinary...
The Extra’s Academy Survival Guide offers a refreshing twist on the isekai genre, blending survival tactics and strategic thinking with a protagonist who is...
Swordmaster’s Youngest Son tells the compelling story of Jin Runcandel, the youngest son of the renowned Runcandel family. Initially regarded as the family’s greatest...
The Novel’s Extra (Remake) brings a refreshing twist to the classic “isekai” genre, merging elements of self-awareness with themes of existential exploration. The story...
Absolute Necromancer weaves a thrilling tale of revenge and power, following the story of Cha Jinhyuk, who seeks retribution after suffering a betrayal that...
*The Return of the Crazy Demon* delivers an exhilarating blend of martial arts and reincarnation, centering on Yi Zaha, a wildly erratic martial artist....
Raising the Princess to Overcome Death follows a gripping story that blends reality with fantasy through a game. The protagonist, Minseo, a long-time and...
Doctor’s Rebirth brings a refreshing mix of medical expertise and martial arts adventure to the isekai genre, offering a unique perspective through its main...
Murim Login offers an exciting take on the action and fantasy genres by blending virtual reality gaming with martial arts adventure. The story follows...
Revenge of the Iron-Blooded Sword Hound weaves a gripping narrative filled with betrayal, rebirth, and vengeance, set against the backdrop of a dark and...
Player Who Returned 10,000 Years Later invites readers on a gripping journey with a protagonist who, after spending millennia in hell, emerges with unimaginable...
Necromancer’s Evolutionary Traits delivers a unique blend of supernatural suspense and action, centering on Makoto Kaneshiro, a former Special Forces operative whose gaming routine...
Insanely-Talented Player goes into the gaming world through the story of Kang Yoosung, a top-tier player whose unparalleled skills are matched only by his...
Regressor Instruction Manual presents an engaging mix of fantasy and survival as it follows a protagonist plunged into a treacherous new world brimming with...