Royal Redemption offers a narrative about redemption and second chances. Princess Annette, who experienced scandal and heartbreak in her previous life, is granted a...
The Secret Bedroom of a Dejected Royal Daughter explores the tumultuous life of Lewellyn, a once-revered princess cursed with unrelenting desire after being forsaken...
German Chancellor Olaf Scholz responded to Elon Musk’s recent critical remarks, maintaining that he stays “cool” in the face of the personal insults. Musk...
The Return of the Crazy Demon chronicles the thrilling journey of Yi Zaha, a powerful martial artist notorious for his chaotic and fearless personality....
The Greatest Estate Developer offers a fresh perspective on the isekai genre by combining fantasy elements with civil engineering ingenuity. The story follows Suho...
Demonic Evolution follows the interesting journey of Ang, once humanity’s strongest warrior, as he reincarnates into a future where his legendary power is replaced...
Murim Login brings an exciting twist to the isekai genre, seamlessly blending virtual gaming with martial arts. The story follows Jin Tae-Kyung’s journey from...
Weapon Maker combines fantasy, adventure, and self-discovery in a thrilling narrative. Shin Joonseoh’s transformation from a lowly D-rank support to a possible world savior...
Reformation of the Deadbeat Noble tells a moving story of deep personal change. Airen Parreira, once dismissed as a “deadbeat” for his constant sleeping...
Surviving The Game as a Barbarian presents an exciting fusion of gaming and adventure, chronicling Lee Hansoo’s transformation from an experienced gamer to a...
Boundless Necromancer delivers a gripping, high-stakes story set in a world where the supernatural meets survival. The protagonist, unexpectedly selected as a hunter, is...
The Lord’s Coins Aren’t Decreasing?! takes readers into the thrilling world of dimensional trading, where fantasy meets high-stakes finance. Erun Steelguard, once betrayed and...
Necromancer’s Evolutionary Traits tells the story of Makoto Kaneshiro, a former Special Forces operative who finds himself adrift in civilian life, spending his time...