Throughout Hulu’s The Secret Lives of Mormon Wives, “Mormon garments” became a recurring topic, leaving many fans curious about the importance of these unique clothing items and why they hold importance for members of the faith.

What Exactly are Mormon Garments?
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints describes temple garments as modest underclothing, usually white, that are worn by devout members. They symbolize a sacred reminder of the commitments made in temple ceremonies. These garments are designed to be worn underneath everyday clothing by those who have undergone specific rites in the temple.
For men, the garments resemble a basic undershirt paired with knee-length briefs. Women, on the other hand, wear garments in place of regular underwear, often under bras. Only adults and senior members who have made sacred vows in the temple are permitted to wear them.
What Is the Importance of Mormon Garments?
According to the church, the garments serve both a spiritual and practical purpose. They are meant to act as a constant reminder of one’s promises to the Lord, while also providing a physical covering. Beyond that, they encourage wearers to live a modest and Christ-centered life, emphasizing humility and simplicity in their daily actions.
Referring to Them as ‘Underwear’ Is Considered Offensive
The church makes it clear on their website that joking or using derogatory names like “magic underwear” to describe these garments is deeply offensive to members. Such terms are seen as disrespectful to the sacred nature of the clothing.
What Has Jen Affleck Shared About Mormon Garments?
In an interview with Women’s Health on September 6, 2024—the day The Secret Lives of Mormon Wives debuted on Hulu—Jen Affleck likened wearing Mormon garments to the symbolic importance of a wedding ring. “It’s just a reminder of the promises that you made,” she explained.
Jen revealed that she made a personal commitment to wear her garments throughout filming as a constant reminder of her faith. However, her passion for fashion often conflicted with this goal. She admitted there were many occasions when she preferred to wear something more stylish or revealing, leading to a back-and-forth struggle over her clothing choices.
During one scene on a cast trip, Jen humorously acknowledged forgetting her garments while unpacking, to which a friend joked, “Can you DoorDash garments?”
Mormon garments can be ordered online, by mail, or purchased at various distribution centers across the world.
For Jen, wearing garments is a personal choice that she reassesses regularly. As a popular TikTok creator, she explained that some followers question her devotion when they don’t see her wearing garments. However, she reassures them that her faith remains intact, and that the decision to wear the garments is one she makes on a day-by-day basis.