In his new three-part Netflix series titled “Enigma,” Aaron Rodgers opens up about the personal toll his controversial opinions have taken on his relationships with friends and family. On Tuesday, Netflix came up with a trailer for the upcoming series, chronicling the New York Jets quarterback’s journey to recover following his Achilles injury in September 2023, along with the impact of various controversies.
The trailer begins with Rodgers explaining the duality of his personality, oscillating between being an extrovert and a “lover of silence,” stating, “I’m trying to beat back Father Time and the expectations.” Following this, the footage features instances of him losing his cool on the field, alongside news clips labeling him as an anti-vaxxer.
As sports journalist Stephen A. Smith notes in the trailer, “Aaron Rodgers ain’t for everybody,” with another commentator adding, “Rodgers has shared controversial and crazy conspiracy theories.” In what seems to be a response to his tarnished reputation, Rodgers, 41, shares, “Losing friendships, family. It was heartbreaking.”
The trailer hints at the drama that has surrounded the NFL player over the years, including his strained family relationships. Aaron’s father, Ed Rodgers, previously stated that their communication ceased when Aaron began dating Olivia Munn in 2014.
His brother, Jordan Rodgers, criticized him for not reaching out during the 2014 California wildfires while he donated $1 million to the victims. The former Green Bay Packers quarterback has also been outspoken about various conspiracy theories related to events like 9/11 and the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in 2012.
CNN had reported that Aaron believed the Sandy Hook shooting, which resulted in 26 fatalities, was orchestrated by the government and involved paid actors. In November 2022, Packers backup quarterback DeShone Kizer recounted a time when Rodgers questioned whether the 9/11 plane crashes were real.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, Aaron was labeled an anti-vaxxer for his repeated skepticism about vaccine safety, even calling Dr. Anthony Fauci, the former Chief Medical Advisor to President Joe Biden, “one of the biggest spreaders of misinformation.”
“I believe strongly in bodily autonomy and the ability to make choices for your body. Not to have to acquiesce to some woke culture or crazed group of individuals who say you have to do something,” he asserted during an appearance on the “Pat McAfee Show” in 2021.
The Super Bowl champion also faced fines from the NFL for violating COVID-19 safety protocols by refusing to wear a mask as an unvaccinated player. Viewers can stream “Aaron Rodgers: Enigma” exclusively on Netflix starting December 17.