Love on the spectrum Feature

Love On The Spectrum Filming Locations

Love On The Spectrum is a Netflix series all about the ups and downs of love and relationships, shot mainly in Australia and some parts of it the US. But what is different about this show is that it deals with seven young adults dealing with Autism and what happens to their lives when they enter the dating scene. A different take on the romantic angle, taking people who find it rather tricky than others to see through things and somewhat differently. This side of the story, the public doesn’t see it often, and bringing it out to life is worthy of immense praise. This show promoted dating life but with a completely different point of view, a type of point of view that was never heard or seen in fiction.

Love On The Spectrum Filming Locations

While the general response to the show was good and connected with the audience, several aspects of it raised specific objections from various sections of society. Parents, in particular, raised their concerns as to how in the show, parents were shown treating their differently-abled kids. A slight backlash was received, but it didn’t allow the overall magnitude of the show to die out. On the other hand, many critics applauded the performance and stated it was a compassionate, different celebration of love. The majority of the show was shot in Australia, in New South Wales, but some parts of the story demanded the scenes to be shot in the US.

Let’s look at the locations where this fantastic show came together.

New South Wales

New South Wales

The state of Australia, New South Wales, is the central portion where Love on the Spectrum was shot. The entire show has been shot in different parts of New South Wales, wherever the dates take place. The makers of this show contacted various Autism organizations in the state beforehand so that the organizations could help the makers. The crew followed wherever the lovers went for their respective dates. It showed love from a completely different angle in a prosperous state like New South Wales, a place where there is always scope and always hope for love. This one-of-a-kind state offers people, even differently-abled ones, to live freely and allow things to happen for themselves.

Los Angeles And Las Vegas

LA and LV


So when the story took a slight turn, and things became a bit different, the show shifted out of Australia. A couple of scenes were shot in Los Angeles and Las Vegas when Jimmy and Sharnae had to visit the city. Los Angeles in California and Las Vegas in Nevada, the makers, managed to cover two cities in two different states in the US.

This show was an attempt to highlight Autism, to make people more sympathetic and empathetic toward Autism and understand it better. The approach was different, but it was worth a try. This was, in a way, a gamble which the producers and the makers took, and it sure did pay off.