Top 10 Harry Potter deaths that still gives us goosebumps

Top 10 Harry Potter Deaths That Still Gives Us Goosebumps

He came into our lives and filled the needed magic in them. The entire Harry Potter series starts with the tragedy when both of his parents were killed by ‘one who cannot be named.’ Harry’s uncle and aunt treated that poor child horribly and each of us surely hate those muggles. We can clearly remember that day, that hopeful day when Harry was finally rescued by Hagrid from that mess. From Ron, Hermione, and Harry’s friendship to all the battles they fought together, the Harry Potter series has been a roller coaster ride but nothing. We have experienced all the freaking emotions with them.

Seriously, we cannot imagine our lives without the wizarding world. Be it in Harry Potter books or movies, we as readers and viewers love those characters and made some space for them in our lives. Even that world is not safe from the clutches of death. Voldemort is dead and the magical world is finally free. However, the sacrifices it took to fight evil took our favorite characters from us. Hogwarts and the wizarding world will not ever be the same without them. Let’s look at this list and remember those who got sacrificed and gave us the best plot we have.

10. Mad-eye Moody

The real mad-eye moody was locked away in the box and we get to see the wrong Moody for the most part of his screen-time. However, once he was free, he became a very important ally. He became very protective of Harry. Mad-eye Moody played a very crucial role in the Order of Phoenix and died protecting Harry Potter. He was blasted by a killing curse spelled by Voldemort when he made him believe that he was Harry Potter.

9. Harry’s Pet Hedwig

Hedwig, a snowy owl was Harry’s dear pet who did not leave his side in the most dreadful situations. He was a loyal companion. Harry often found solace in his company particularly when he was at the Dursley’s and we have seen him talking to Hedwig a few times. He used to let his heart out in front of him. The death of a pet is very heartbreaking. He died when Harry was escaping Death Eaters when one of the killing curses hit him.

8. Lily And James Potter

It all started with their deaths. We can say that their deaths actually started our all-time favorite story. Well, thanks to J. K. Rowling for that. Although James was not that great magician, he still stood against the evil Voldemort. Lily’s protection and sacrifice gave Harry that scar which made him the most popular wizard and also put him in the most dangerous position. James and Lily’s sacrifice to save their child surely leave us teary-eyed.

7. Cedric Diggory

Harry was disheartened when he could not save Cedric. As we analyze the situation, we can interpret that Cedric died just because he fell into the trap put for Harry Potter. The poor Cedric wouldn’t even know that signing the Triwizard competition will take him to his death. When Harry and Cedric left the final maze, they accidentally use the cup portkey and reached that cemetery where Voldemort was waiting for them. He ordered Peter to “kill the spare, ” which is the end of the story for Cedric. However, his death made everyone realize that Voldemort is back and ultimately changed the tone of the story.

Top 10 Harry Potter deaths that still gives us goosebumps

6. Remus And Nymphadora

The lovers died together! Remus was one of the closest friends of James Potter and that made him close-to-family to Harry Potter. Remus first appeared as the Defense against that darks art teacher in the third year. After that, he found Nymphadora Tonks – the girl who was not scared of his wolf side. They got married and had a child together and named him Teddy. Teddy and Harry share the same fate, their Parents died fighting evil and they never get to see them again. Can we also see a series on Teddy? Well, it all depends upon Rowling.

5. Albus Dumbledore

Albus was the most wisest and intelligent character in the series. It is not wrong to say that he was the greatest wizard. It is he who developed Harry into the soldier and wizard he grew up to be. Albus always proved to be a hope of light. Dumbledore ordered Snape to kill him as part of their plan. He sacrificed his life for the greater good. Albus’s death was one of the most heartbreaking deaths.

4. Dobby, A Free Elf

Dobby kept on trying to save Harry Potter throughout his journey in the series. After Harry freed him from the torture of Malfoy, Dobby started respecting and seeing Harry as a friend. Even he constantly helped Harry Potter in the Triwizard competition. He tried many unusual attempts to not have harry go to Hogwarts. Harry and his friends could have died or lost when Death Eaters held them captives in the first part of Deathly Hallows. However, Dobby came to their rescue when there was no means to get out for them. This all-time-scared elf died like a hero by fulfilling his purpose; He saved Harry Potter.

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3. Fred Weasely

The twins – Fred and George have made us laugh throughout the series. Even in the darkest of times, they used to have something to laugh on. Nobody could ever think that those comic characters will fight like deadly soldiers. In fact, they were always more interested in their joke shop than fighting. He died in the battle of Hogwarts. Fred’s death made the biggest impact on George. The right words to describe their bond is, ‘George is incomplete without Fred.’ We will never forgive Rowling to take Fred away from George.

Top 10 Harry Potter deaths that still gives us goosebumps

2. Severus Snape

We all feel terrible about thinking bad about Snape all along. Snape’s true purpose came out as the most shocking revelation of the entire series. The fact that he did all that for his one-side-love for Lily makes us more emotional. He swore to protect Lily’s child after her death. Harry Potter fans were not prepared for his death. We all wanted to see more of him! Acting as the double agent all along, he put the series on another level. Severus even killed Dumbledore to prove his loyalty to Death Eaters. Severus Snape was a true soldier.

1. Sirius Black

This was the death that shook us all and utterly shattered Harry. Sirius Black was the only family that Harry had and fate took it away from him. From Sirius, a dangerous escaped prisoner to Sirius, Harry’s favorite uncle, he had the most remarkable journey. Harry’s cry of grief on seeing Sirius die will always haunt us. Sirius was definitely the parental figure to Harry Potter.  He was a very unfortunate character, who got abused by his family, lost his friends Potters, and spent the major part of his life in Azkaban. He never really got the happiness he deserved. Sirius was killed by Bellatrix in the battle at the Department of Mysteries.