Alex James

5 Most Popular Songs Of Alex James

Steven Alexander James, popularly known as Alex James, is a talented musician and songwriter. And in this article, we will list the famous musician Alex James popular songs. Alex James is a member of the renowned band “Blur.” Alex is a bassist in the band. Apart from this, Alex has also collaborated with temporary bands such as Me Me Me, Bad Lieutenant, Fat Les, and WigWam. Alex had a passion for music from a very young age.

In an interview, he told viewers that the band “Beetles” inspired him to pursue a career in music. Moreover, besides singing, Alex is also interested in food-related topics. However, he has his food column, “Alex James on All Things Food,” in the newspaper The Sun.

Here Are The Most Popular Songs Of Alex James!

5. Country House

“Country House” is the band’s lead single off the fourth album, “The Great Escape.” It was like a lucky charm as it was the band’s best-selling song with more than 5 lakh copies. It also peaked on the US Singles Chart. The context of the song is also very awesome. There is a man who goes to the beautiful country house to relieve the pressure of work, family, and everything.

4. Beetlebum

“Beetlebum” was released on 20th January 1997 and was the second-most song of the band to reach number 1 position on US Singles Chart. However, the song music was influenced by Alex’s favorite band, “The Beetles.” This song is very close to the band’s hearts as Blur frontman Damon Albarn has suffered from the traumatic incidents in the song’s music video. It is based on Damon’s experience with drug addiction.

3. Coffee and TV

Coffee and TV is another song that is very close to the band members, “Blur.” The song was written by Graham Coxon, the band’s lead guitarist. The lyrics of the song are based on Graham’s experience with alcoholism. The song became very famous in Iceland. Also, the song has won several awards.

2. Girls and Boys

Girls and Boys is the super hit song of the band “Blur.” Through this song, the band became more popular as the viewers enjoyed the song very much. Damon Albarn wrote this song keeping in mind the fun experience he had in Spain while vacationing with his girlfriend. “Girls and Boys” got nominated for MTV Europe Music Awards. Apart from this, the song won numerous other awards.

1.Song 2

As the list will end with the most popular songs of Alex James, the top position should belong to “Song 2”. It is the band’s only song that has witnessed so much success. Firstly, it peaked in the US Single Chart. Moreover, it also peaked on Billboard Alternative US Chart and Modern Rocks Chart. Apart from this, “Song 2” was nominated for Best Group Video and Best Alternative Video. The song has the best reviews in its basket as well.

That was the list of the most popular songs of Alex James of all time.

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