John Krasinski Best Movies

Best Movies By John Krasinski You Need To Watch!

John Krasinski is a Fascinating actor who has entertained us for years on The Office. The audience fell in love with Jim Halpert, the kind-hearted paper salesman. He has proved his talent as an actor and is an amazing writer and director that we have seen in the A Quite Place Franchise. Krasinski is an amazing actor as he has worked with most of the A-Listers actors and has chemistry with everyone he works with. He has executed himself in every genre, including action, comedy, and science fiction. Here we talk about the best movies By John Krasinski that have stolen our hearts.

John Krasinski was born in Boston, Massachusetts, and he always had a passion for performing at a very young age. He decided to move to New York City to pursue his acting career. Krasinski got to act on commercials and TV shows while John was also working on Off-Broadway Plays. He got his major break when he got the role on one of the most loved sitcoms, The Office. 

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Here Are Some Best Movies By John Krasinski That You Need To Watch!

5. 13 hours

13 Hours was based on a true incident of the soldiers who fought to defend the American diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya after the militants attacked it. In this film, Krasinski proved himself as an action hero, and he got into the soldier’s personality. Krasinski played his role like a hero, delivering all the action from begging to end in 13 hours. A talented actor like Krasinski can deliver the bravery and determination of a soldier, and he has done it with ease.

John Krasinski Best Movies

4. It’s Complicated

This story is about a bakery owner named Jane(Meryl Streep), who starts an affair with her ex-husband(Alec-Baldwin). Krasinski has played the role of her son-in-law, who knows about their affair. He gives a charming performance with some heartfelt and comical moments. 

John Krasinski Best Movies

 3. Nobody Walks

In this movie, Krasinski plays a role of a man with male frustration and jealousy. Nobody Walks is a story about a filmmaker (Olivia Thirlby) who wants to finish her film with the sound designer( John Krasinski) by staying at his house with his family. They start an affair that ends in dramatic tension and dispute in the family.

John Krasinski Best Movies

2. Away We Go

This film is about a couple who are traveling around the country to decide where they want to raise there child that they are expecting. This movie reflects many subjects like love, loss, and parenthood. In this film, Krasinski plays a role of a caring and supportive husband. His chemistry with his co-star is amazing. 

John Krasinski Best Movies

1. A quiet Place 1 + 2

This movie was directed and written by Krasinski, and he also acted in it. He has played the role of a loving father living with his family in a world where aliens who are attracted to sound have taken over. Because of how the film is written, all the actors were supposed to deliver their emotions through less dialogue. In this movie, Krasinski gave an amazing performance as a man determined to protect his family at all costs. He has a complicated yet loving relationship with her daughter.

John Krasinski Best Movies