The multiverse has gone from an obscure concept to a well-known scientific notion in just a few years. The concept of infinite realities has been explored in popular TV shows such as Rick and Morty, in which the titular duo travels from one hilarious reality to the next, as well as beloved films such as Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, which is ultimately an animated adventure that tackles an extremely difficult concept. When Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness arrives in a few years, fans will be able to watch the concept in action in the world’s most popular film franchise.
The concept of several other universes, each of which expresses every possible outcome of every decision, is ripe for dramatic tension. In the recent sci-fi drama Parallel, this is made evident as the story revolves around a group of four friends who discover a mirror that serves as a portal to the multiverse. The plot, as well as the ending of Parallel, is very confusing to some viewers, so we are to solve all your queries.
The story gradually had the characters enter these other realities and apply the knowledge they gained to better their lives in their respective worlds. The film was released on December 11, 2020, and given that the plot revolves around various universes and multiple versions of the same characters, things can quickly become muddled. Don’t worry, though. For those of you who have seen the film, we’ve put out a timeline of what happened in Parallel.

Two Versions Of Marissa
Parallel begins with a horrific sequence featuring Marissa (Kathleen Quinlan), an elderly woman, meeting an intruder while going downstairs. Marissa was murdered by a masked stranger with a gun, and her husband was completely unaware. The intruder removed his mask, revealing again, another Marissa! The other Marissa then went up to her husband’s bedside and snuggled with him. This was a different version of the Marissa we first met, one who originated from another universe, as we learn later in the film via Marissa’s diary. She arrived through a portal since her husband died on a hiking trail in her world. As a result, she assumed the identity of Marissa from another universe so that she may be reunited with the love of her life.
When this new Marissa joined him in bed, her husband was utterly unaware, and the audience could tell she was the parallel version. Because when he told her, he liked “the second one better” — referring to two images Marissa had shown him previously. She had no idea what he was talking about. This misunderstanding would resurface later in the film when other doubles appear, but more on that later.

What are the mirror’s rules in Parallel?
The audience meets a group of pals who are trying to promote an app called Meter Maid. They got into a fight after hitting a stumbling block on their way to a deal, which resulted in the discovery of a secret chamber in the house they’d been renting. They discovered a mirror here, and Josh (Mark O’Brien) leaped into the parallel reality on the other side. When he returned to reality after 15 minutes on the other side, he discovered that he had only been gone for five seconds. They observed that there is a 180-degree temporal dilation between the two dimensions through another test.
That means that ten seconds in their universe equaled 30 minutes in the other. They eventually took advantage of this by traveling to another dimension to work on their software under a tight deadline to submit their work to a potential customer. After further investigation, they determined that the mirror had to be at a specific angle to function as a gateway. When it was upright, it was nothing more than a standard mirror.
Also, if you wanted to travel to a parallel dimension with a friend, you had to be holding hands or touching each other in some way. They ended up at two different starting locations when they entered independently. Each time one of them looked in the mirror, they inhabited a new timeline where things were somewhat different.
What is the significance of the periscope in Parallel?
The group didn’t just come across a mirrored gateway in the secret room. They also discovered a periscope, which allowed them to peer into different parts of the mansion. It’s not simply there because someone who lived in the house before was a peeping Tom. It might help any travelers between worlds escape a multiverse collapse. “You utilize it to get out of the house to escape your double, so you avoid conversing,” Devin (AML Ameen) said it best.

“They wanted to make sure they didn’t make touch with their past selves (or, in this case, parallel selves) to prevent any paradoxes, as is the case with many time-travel movies. The group examined the periscope first to see where their other selves were before venturing out into the parallel universes. They then used the secret path to sneak out the back of the house, essentially allowing them to do whatever they wanted without fear of being discovered. After all, the repercussions of their acts in parallel universes would have no bearing on their lives in the real world, so it’s easy to understand how much power could quickly go to one’s head.
Parallel Ending Explained
So, the ending of Parallel is a little strange. Why? Because in this reality, the mirror must be affixed to the floor and set at an exact angle. It turns off if it tilts. This isn’t going to work. So, Leena is at a gas station, and the gas station mirror transforms into a teleporter? What? How? We all know that in the realms of the arts and clever sciences, a plethora of fresh and unique solutions emerge in various worlds.

So it’s not a stretch to imagine another Parallel world resolving the mirror’s “stationary” problem. Also, someone may periscope their way across the planet, looking for opportunities to jump at just the perfect time. There’s an intriguing twist in the conclusion. However, we aren’t given much information.
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