What are your thoughts, Stranger Things fans? Can you believe the fourth season of Stranger Things is almost here? I can’t!
The ninth season’s nine episodes have been divided into two volumes: volume 1 will be released on May 27, containing the first seven episodes, followed by volume 2 on July 1. It appears to be an odd method to divide up the season. But whatever. No one will not complain about receiving a significant portion of the episodes first.

We’ve watched the kids grow from babies to teenagers (and some even older!) throughout the years. The Stranger Things storyline isn’t difficult to follow, but you may wonder how old some characters are. Lucas’ younger sister is included!
How Old Is Erica From Stranger Things?
Stranger Things viewers know already that 11-year-old Erica Sinclair was not intended to be here for this long. She was once a supporting character, someone the boys all referred to and occasionally discussed. However, Erica, played by Priah Ferguson, was given a larger part. To be sure, many fans of color – particularly black fans – pointed out that, of all the characters in the first season of the program, only the black ones didn’t appear to be completely fleshed out, with parents and a backstory.
Erica Sinclair, played by Priah Ferguson, is the main character in Stranger Things, first appearing as a recurring character in the second season before being elevated to the main cast in the third season. She is Lucas Sinclair’s younger sister.
In October and November 1984, she tormented her brother by mocking his Ghostbusters outfit, handling his radio and action figures without his permission, and ridiculing his infatuation with Max Mayfield.

Erica would spend her days in the summer of 1985, following the completion of the town’s Starcourt Mall, bugging Robin Buckley and Steve Harrington for free ice cream samples at the mall’s ice cream restaurant, Scoops Ahoy. Steve, Robin, and Lucas’ closest buddy Dustin Henderson eventually persuade her to crawl into the mall’s vents to inspect the mall’s supplies, which contain Russian weaponry. Erica accepts in exchange for lifelong free ice cream.
In the second season, we first meet the fiery, feisty Erica Sinclair. The nerd-in-the-making was nine years old. In season 3, at ten, she is a full-fledged geek like her elder brother and his buddies, and she assists them in saving Hawkins. And as we enter the fourth season, I’m confident that the 11-year-old Erica will be as helpful as ever.
While she is portraying an 11-year-old, the actor who plays the fan favorite is a few years older. Priah Ferguson, 15 years old, is an adolescent herself. I know. How can a 15-year-old be mistaken for a pre-teen?

However, she is not the only one. All the “kids” on the show appear to be considerably younger than their true ages. Millie Bobby Brown, 18, plays Eleven, a 15-year-old in Season 4. Caleb McLaughlin and Sadie Sink are no longer teenagers! They’re both 20 years old.
Despite being the youngest of the group, Lucas’ sister Erica Sinclair is also one of the few people that might kill Vecna in season 5. This is even more astounding, given that Erica was most likely in fifth or sixth grade during Stranger Things season 4. Erica was ten years old in Stranger Things season three, making her eleven in the fourth season. Erica’s actor, Priah Ferguson, was 15 when Stranger Things season 4 premiered, which is a significant age gap for playing an elementary-school-age character.
Erica’s character is refreshing, even if she doesn’t receive enough screen time in the beginning. Though her kind of sassy would never have been tolerated in my home, she appears authentic at moments – a distinct mix of the people I know and know. Despite not having watched the season 4 finale, here are my five reasons she’s the season’s and maybe the series’ breakout star.
Erica became an important element of the strategy to discover the Russian operation at Starcourt Mall since she was petite and intelligent. She was always dismissed as the younger sister, but she proved she was more than her position in the family lineup.

Erica appears as one of a tiny group of females who survive in a horrific fantasy world. She’s also smart above her years despite yet being a youngster. Remember when she first heard about the plot to descend the shaft? Endangering a child!”