Love In The Air Episode 12 (ImageCredit: YouTube)

Love In The Air Episode 12: Release Date, Recap & Watching Guide

Thai Bls are now noted for their tremendous romanticism and sensuality. BL dramas created in Thailand have gotten positive reviews from throughout the world in recent years. Love In The Air: The Series, based on a famous novel, is the most current BL drama to be released. Boss (Payu, aka Storm), Noeul (Rain), Fort (Prapai, aka Strong Wind), and Peat appear on the program (Sky).

The plot of the program centers around Rain and Sky’s struggle to achieve true Love despite their circumstances. For Rain, it all begins with a quest to prove to his female infatuation that the kid she adores, Payu, is into males. Sky has paid the price for being in a terrible relationship. As much as he tries to avoid the thought of a new sexual connection, Prapai enters his life and shows him that not all individuals are the same.

Love In The Air Episode 12 (image credit: YouTube)

Where Can You Watch Love In The Air?

Love In The Air will be broadcast on GMM25 in Thailand. The program also has a worldwide premiere on IQIYI. Following the show’s formal release, episodes will be available on MeMindY’s official YouTube channel every Thursday.

Release Date For Love In The Air Episode 12

Love In The Air Episode 12 will be available on Thursday, November 3rd, at 4 p.m. GMT. Season 1 will comprise 13 episodes, each lasting around 50 minutes. Expect episodes to be released with subtitles as well.

How many episodes will there be in Love In The Air Season 1?

Love In The Air Episode 12 (image credit: YouTube)

Love In The Air will comprise 12 major episodes and one special episode that will be released after all 12 have aired. The show is released as a conventional drama, with one episode released each week. Love In The Air’s season finale is Episode 12, with a special episode debuting a week after the 12th episode.

In Episode 11, we saw how Sky, who had been steadily warming up to Prapai, had fully embraced him after witnessing his unwavering efforts. Sky feels he can trust Prapai despite his horrific history. Prapai is fully committed to his romance with Sky, as evidenced by his creation of a wind-shaped brooch for himself. He wants the world to know that he was abducted.

The biker also happily deletes the contact information of his ex-girlfriends and hook-up pals, demonstrating his devotion to Sky. Sky and Prapai will have many romantic moments in the following episode as they grow into one other’s companions. According to the teaser, Prapai and Sky act like married couples, which is unusual for Sky but appears natural for Prapai.

Love In the Air Episode 11 Recap

Love In The Air Episode 12 (image credit: YouTube)

According to the teaser of Love in the Air Ep 11, Sky has settled into her new intimate relationship with Prapai and is now fairly responsive to the latter’s generosity. The trailer says that Sky is ready to “officiate” their relationship after two episodes of push and pull, but Prapai wants to be sure he is not rushing into it.

With only two episodes remaining, people are curious whether Prapai will learn about Sky’s inner turmoil. While Prapai’s presence has helped to heal Sky’s wound, the couple will only be able to restart their relationship when Sky opens up to Prapai. Sky and Prapai will have many romantic moments in the next episode as they become each other’s friends.

According to the teaser, Prapai and Sky behave as if they are married, which is odd for Sky but seems natural for Prapai. Payu expressed relief that the tournament had been canceled because he was in a rush. He stated he would attend the wrist-binding ceremony at the faculty. Episode 11 of the romance series will be officially released on YouTube.

In some countries, fans may view all past episodes of the Thai BL series Love In The Air on IQIYI. Sky will discover that he has fallen in Love with Pai in the future episode. We can also tell in the teaser that he has been with him. He informs Rain that Payu is not just the hottest person he met when they were conversing. Fans are also interested in seeing Sky’s ex-boyfriend in the forthcoming episode.

Meanwhile, for BL and K-Drama watchers, episodes 11 and 13 (depending on the series’ overall duration) always offer some type of twist and tragedy, so it’s best to be prepared for whatever the episode brings.