Cote de Pablo

Who Is Cote de Pablo’s Partner Her Dating History And Relationship Status?

Amazingly, Cote de Pablo hasn’t again become a household name with all the recent buzz about her. During the past six years, she has attempted to pursue an acting career, but it hasn’t exactly taken off. She may finally get the attention she deserves as an actor thanks to her recent appearance on NCIS and the potential return in the next season.

In addition to her job, de Pablo has a large following that is curious about her personal life. Most people assume she has been married for a very long time because of her supermodel beauty and captivating acting ability. You would be mistaken in that assumption, however. However, she did have a sustained romance with an Ecuadorian actor.

Cote De Pablo Has Spent Years Concentrating On Her Profession.

De Pablo may have grasped the consequences of getting married for her job before entering a relationship too quickly. She studied in Chile, which is where her career started, as some of you undoubtedly already know. Her first goal was to pursue a career in musical theatre, which she later sought to cultivate on Broadway.

Her family’s relocation to Miami, Florida, led to her landing her first job in the entertainment sector as the host of a discussion show that was shown on Univision. She was able to start showcasing her acting talents after relocating to NYC. Before earning commercial employment, the majority of this was performing in off-Broadway theatre performances in the early 2000s.

Cote de Pablo

Around this time, you might even see her on soap operas like All My Children, which were often used as stepping stones by aspirational performers. She turned this into appearances as a guest star in a few well-known dramas and comedies.

Many of you will also likely recall de Pablo from his time as a regular cast member on Fox’s ill-fated drama The Jury in 2004. She seemed to be connected to one person during this period, and she remained with him till 2015.

Is Cote De Pablo married?

De Pablo is single as of the date of this writing. But from 2000 until 2015, she was romantically linked to actor Diego Serrano. Serrano was “the worst influence” on the actress, she told “Prevention” magazine in 2012. 

According to de Pablo, “I’ve been in a committed relationship with [actor] Diego Serrano, and I’m extremely pleased.” “I adore him for it,” one person said of the worst impact they had in their lives.

As well as teaching her how to enjoy life to the fullest, she claims Serrano did so. Once in a while, he turns to me and says, “Live a little. What about the chocolate cake? He will ask when I order chicken and broccoli. I’d be the most monotonous person in Los Angeles if it weren’t for him.

Cote De Pablo Aspires To Wed And Have Kids In The Future.

Is de Pablo planning a wedding and having children? Her plans for her include having children. De Pablo said in a Rachael Ray interview that she is the only cast member who hasn’t been married or given birth to children. 

I’m the only one who hasn’t done any of it, said De Pablo to Rachael Ray. I think it’s going to happen eventually… A modest progression has been seen. Happily, I believe they will appear when the moment is appropriate.

Long-Lasting Love With Diego Serrano

Some of you would assume that when de Pablo ultimately relocated to Los Angeles, she slept with a typical American actor. In the end, she had a love relationship with Diego Serrano, an actor from Ecuador who has appeared in several American dramas and comedies.

Given the long-lasting friendship Tony DiNozzo and Ziva David had, many NCIS fans first believed de Pablo and Michael Weatherly were wed in real life.

Cote de Pablo

De Pablo and Weatherly are still good friends, as shown by the fact that they are going to co-produce the CBS television program MIA. Perhaps some people will wonder about their connection now that de Pablo and Serrano divorced in 2015.

They spent several years together before the later breakup. De Pablo has said in many interviews that Serrano prevented her from becoming “the most boring person in Los Angeles.” After leading a somewhat too-conservative lifestyle, he encouraged her to enjoy life a little bit more.

Is De Pablo Currently In A Relationship?

De Pablo is maintaining a very low profile this year if she is seeing someone. She is reportedly unmarried, based on information from various media accounts. Given how she lost some steam after leaving NCIS in 2013, concentrating on her job is undoubtedly her main concern at the moment.

However, her Ziva persona has remained a fan favorite, and in recent years, there have even been hints that she could still be alive. Beginning with NCIS’s 17th season, either this will prove to be accurate, or it will all turn out to be Gibbs’ imagination.

In any case, de Pablo is making a lot of effort to regain her prior prominence and may choose to forgo partnerships for a time to do so. When marriage and children enter the picture, as we’ve seen with numerous well-known actresses, careers must be placed on pause.

That’s maybe becoming a bigger problem since fans allegedly have shorter memory.

For Cote de Pablo Laughing And Conversation Are Essential.

Communication is crucial for de Pablo. She told “Watch!” magazine that she loves conversing with people who can have meaningful conversations and whom she feels secure enough to be candid with.

“One of the things I appreciate is simply being able to discuss with someone, being able to be open and to experience someone else’s vulnerability,” de Pablo stated in the publication’s December 2010 edition. “And more than that, to have a good time and laugh. Everything will be OK if you can laugh with someone.

Fans of “NCIS” Are Still Preoccupied With Cote De Pablo’s Romantic Life.

Few details are known about Cote de Paulo’s relationships after she met actor Diego Serrano. Like her previous on-screen partner Mark Harmon, the “NCIS” actress is a very private person. 

But even though de Pablo departed “NCIS” in 2013, her love life continues to be the talk of the town! On September 29, her former co-star Michael Weatherly uploaded a flashback picture of Tony and Ziva from “NCIS,” tweeting, “Let’s just say… they ended up in Paris. 

Cote de Pablo

Does anybody believe that may be true? (BTW, one of my greatest experiences was shooting this scene for episode 200 of #ncis.) I was JUST rewatching your last episode on @NCIS CBS,” a “NCIS fan replied. Even after seeing it five or six times, I still cried. 

Paris too! Yayyy!! #ZivaAndTonyForever.” Fans of the naval drama unleashed a Twitter tsunami that demonstrated how much people like both de Paulo and Weatherly. The performer from Chile and America discussed her ideal spouse with Watch! I like a partner who can balance me out, according to CheatSheet. 

Someone who, when I lose control, can simply kind of shut the engine down. An equilibrating force, And that’s incredibly difficult to come by. DePaulo is optimistic that she will meet the proper spouse to settle down with and have a family, even if she is no longer in a relationship with fellow actor Serrano. 

De Paulo said, “Eventually, I believe it will happen… ” in a Rachael Ray interview. Things have been coming slowly. Happily, I believe they will appear when the moment is appropriate.

Conclusion –

Cote de Pablo, who portrayed agent Ziva David, a former Mossad operative, on “NCIS,” was a fan favorite. Ziva’s relationship with Michael Weatherly’s Tony Dinozzo, who portrayed the character, was adored by viewers of the enduring CBS series. 

Because the chemistry between the Chilean American actress and her co-star was so palpable, “NCIS” viewers hoped Ziva and Tony would find their happily ever after. Many fans even questioned if de Pablo and Weatherly were dating in reality!

The CBS sitcom subsequently lost both actors. When Weatherly departed “NCIS” in 2016 after announcing that Tony and Ziva had a daughter, Tali, fans erupted in tears. Off-screen, however, de Pablo had a love life that was nearly as dramatic as her marriage on television!