Devil in Ohio

What’s Happening To Mae in the Devil In Ohio Ending?

The impressive collection of limited series on Netflix frequently includes programs with captivating mysteries. This is the case with the Devil in Ohio. Additionally, it’s among the top Netflix shows available right now. The program centers on hospital psychiatrist Suzanne Mathis (Emily Deschanel) as she opens her home to an enigmatic teen. 

The Mathis family’s shaky foundation entirely collapses as soon as Mae (Madeleine Arthur) enters the house. This results in a Devil in Ohio conclusion that is a must-see and even stunned the show’s star. The Devil in Ohio finale effectively conveys the show’s main ideas and takeaways while also leaving viewers wanting more. Is Mae a force for good or evil? Is the central issue posed to Netflix watchers in conclusion?

Devil in Ohio

What Happened At The End Of Devil In Ohio?

It is made known that Mae is the cult leader Malachi’s daughter. She has been selected as Lucifer. The devil next’s human sacrifice. According to the cult, this sacrifice will bring peace and protect their harvests. Malachi’s wife and Mae’s mother are prepared to burn their daughter alive because of Malachi’s unwavering conviction.

The cult steps up its efforts to coerce Mae into returning. They assault Suzanne’s relatives. Mae is terrified when her elder brother Noah makes friends with Jules. Developer Peter loses his valuable property due to fire. By the cult, without a doubt. Mae receives white roses during the last school dance, which had previously been used as a memory trigger. Mae disappears, and Jules worries that the cult has abducted her.

Devil in Ohio

To save Mae, Suzanne informs Detective Lopez that she is headed to Amontown. After a kerfuffle, she arrives just in time to rescue her. But, instead, Mae’s mother offers up herself. A few days later, Lopez discovers that Malachi and all the other cult members have fled Amontown.

According to the dramatic twist, Mae was not captured by the cult on the day of the school dance. To convince Suzanne to save her, she decided to travel to Amontown. In the house’s backyard, Mae has erected a shrine to her “God.” She had always desired Suzanne’s company. Even if doing so required pushing every other member of Suzanne’s family aside.

Devil in Ohio

Due to Suzanne’s decision to permanently keep Mae safe in their old home, Peter and his three kids now live separately. Peter and Suzanne, however, yearn to be with Helen, Jules, and Dani. Detective Lopez’s phone call to Suzanne about Mae’s deceitfulness may have finally convinced Suzanne to choose Mae’s future. Mae may not be a villain. However, according to her upbringing, she has several tendencies that make her highly harmful to those around her.

What Is Devil In Ohio Based on? 

The series focuses on Daria Polatin’s book of the same name, primarily based on a true story. As a result, it is both based on a true story and a book. Devil in Ohio, written by Daria Polatin, was published in 2017. 

In one interview, the author, who also acted as the showrunner for the Netflix series, said that the novel was based on a true story that their executive producer, Rachel Miller, had heard and had occurred in Ohio. She told viewers would learn more about Suzanne’s past during the series. What motivates Suzanne to bring Mae home? What draws her to her so much? Why does she go to such lengths to assist her?

Recap Of The Devil In Ohio (2022):

Devil in Ohio

Mae, played by Madeleine Arthur, seeks solace in the embrace of her doctor, Suzanne, played by Emily Deschanel, after having recently left a satanic cult in Amontown. There is a bleeding pentagram sign on Mae’s back.

As a temporary solution, Suzanne accepts Mae into her family and home out of a sense of obligation. Before finding her a suitable foster home. Three of her daughters, Jules as Xaria Dotson, Helen as Alisha Newton, Dani as Naomi Tan, and her husband, Peter as Sam Jaeger, are not immediately enamored with their new visitor.

Detective Lopez (Gerardo Velasco), who is given charge of Mae’s case in the meantime, swiftly joins Suzanne’s supporters in aiding Mae in finding a new life. Lopez investigates how the cult, as mentioned earlier. Nonetheless, his boss objects.

The town’s shady sheriff, who seems to be shielding the cult, is another person Ryan encounters throughout his investigation in Amontown. Lopez and Suzanne quickly persuade the audience that the cult has significantly impacted every individual in Amontown and perhaps even a few more.

Devil in Ohio

In the meantime, Mae begins to get along with Jules and is thriving. Jules and Mae gradually become close. Jules gets closer to her crush due to Mae’s assistance with her photography projects for the school newspaper. However, as a result of everyone learning about Mae’s troubled past, she gradually gains popularity. Cult members have been driving white vans and following Mae and Suzanne’s family.

The Choice Each Mother Made

The tale of three mothers is featured in Devil in Ohio. Of course, they wouldn’t win any mother of the year honors. But, with Suzanne’s mother, it all begins. She encourages Suzanne to experience the same abuse she shares with her husband.

She chooses to stay when given the option to leave him. This is what spurs Suzanne’s hero complex with Mae to grow. Abigail, Mae’s mother, is the next significant mother. Ultimately, she also chooses to protect the abuser over her daughter. She determines that for the cult to survive, she must give her life. She is allowed to leave by Mae as well, but she chooses Malachi and the cult instead.

Devil in Ohio

The mother who comes last is Suzanne. Additionally, she chooses Mae over her family. She might make an alternative attempt to explain it, but it still is what it is. Mae is a complex person with a troubled past, so Suzanne chose someone who would hurt her, perhaps by manipulating her emotions to keep her away from the people she cares about.

Peter correctly asserts that this is not about Mae in the Devil in Ohio’s conclusion. Instead, it revolves around Suzanne projecting Mae with her need to be saved as an adolescent. Even Suzanne expresses this in treatment, but the therapist points out that just because someone is aware of their defects doesn’t guarantee they can or will change.

Is Mae Good or Evil? 

According to Devil in Ohio creator Daria Polatin in an interview with Creative Company, one of the series’ central questions is whether Mae is a force for good or evil. Unfortunately, it’s a question that is addressed at the very end.

Devil in Ohio

Mae has been influencing events in her favor, according to several states, according to The Devil in Ohio. She joined the cult so that Suzanne might save her. It appears evident that she always intended for Suzanne to serve as her new parental figure since we can see that she likely performed a ritual to attempt to utilize Satan’s influence to bond Suzanne to her permanently.

In their final dispute, Noah calls Mae pretentious and criticizes her. He asserts that she has consistently prioritized herself over her family. Mae is not as naive as she seems and is a touch self-centered. However, I find it naïve to label her as evil when it is clear that she has experienced trauma at the hands of a cult.

Even if Madeleine Arthur has drawn inspiration from other cult movie icons, I believe Mae has committed many sinister acts during the TV series. Still, she isn’t one of the great female horror villains. She was raised by one set of parents who taught her one set of values, and she might still follow many of them.

Devil in Ohio

She is still a young woman. Unfortunately, selfish behaviors can occasionally be displayed by teenagers or even people. However, being selfish is a characteristic of being a human, not a shred of evidence that Mae is evil. Mae’s ability to manipulate events and perhaps even use Satan’s power is evidence that she is unreliable, but it doesn’t make her a monster in her own right. 

Mae’s tendency towards deception is demonstrated by the Devil in Ohio finale, although it is most likely the result of years of abuse, brainwashing, and suffering. Although Mae is unpredictable and Suzanne shouldn’t trust her, calling her good or bad appears to ignore the fact that most of her behaviors result from trauma.