Lie to Me
The poster (Credit: Amazon Prime)

What Made Fox Cancel ‘Lie to me’? Learn The Details Here

‘Lie to Me’ was a successfully running American crime drama series that lasted for a span of three years. Its sudden disappearance and the decision of not being continued disheartened thousands of fans.

What was the reason that Fox Network chose not to stretch out the show any further? Was it because of a team member or something else? Let us talk about it in detail.

Perpetually falling viewership

Successfully running on the Fox network from 21st January 2009, ‘Lie to Me’ had a great viewership in its first year. People took great interest in their content and were satisfied with it.

Not only did it hold the attention of people watching it, but it also taught them many things about human behavior and the micro-expressions that are enough to identify if a person is being truthful or lying.

It was a series inspired by the work of Dr. Paul Ekman, who was a specialist in studying the behavior of humans and their expressions in various situations, especially when they revolve around lying. The cast included famous names such as Tim Roth, Kelli Williams, Monica Raymond, and many more.

The storyline of the show was pretty straight. Dr. Cal Lightman (Tim Roth) used to take up assignments of investigations along with his group and used the theories of applied psychology and micro-expressions to get to the truth.

Performing well on TV, it suddenly experienced a drop in its viewership, and the producers got alarmed. Most of the reasons stated by the team and the viewers point out one thing only – That the storyline of the show deteriorated and got derailed in its third season.

At one point, the show became stretchy and not as interesting to watch as it used to be. The reduced number of viewers made the team behind the show close it once and for all.

The rumors that followed

Although the reason given by Fox was quite concrete to not create any speculations on the subject, there were still rumors and assumptions in the air. After the show ended in its third season on 31st January 2011, a lot of fans were left to wonder what actually happened that made the Fox network close the show.

One most popular assumptions of all the ones made were that the show was closed because it was teaching the common people the basic techniques to identify the thinnest of lies.

In order to protect the politicians and the people in power, the show was taken off the network. It cannot be guaranteed as to what amount of weight this speculation actually holds. However, as a perspective alone, it can be accepted.

As popular a character as Dr. Cal was, the series would have worked out really well if the storyline had been straightened up a little earlier.

Moreover, immediate attention should have been given to it by the producers and writers. People actually wanted the show to continue and give them better content, as it was really enlightening and nail-biting at the same time. What do you think about it?

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