The American West serves as the show’s backdrop while it investigates and reveals the paranormal and extraterrestrial activity there. It takes the blood, sweat, and tears of the Skywatchers to dig into the truth.
These Cowboy Sky Watchers monitor each of these events. They act as the neighborhood’s watchdogs, taking care to look into any unusual behavior. People make sure they are informed if anything out of the ordinary occurs.
But to learn the truth doesn’t come easy, right? So, what do they need? They need modern tracking techniques and technology, along with guts, of course. The pilot episode debuted on July 28, 2023.
The show’s scripted status has been questioned by numerous people. No particular reason is given for that, but it is what it is. People want to be satisfied with the reality of what they are watching. These are the responses to this query.
UFO Cowboys Staged: Fact or Myth
People obviously doubt the validity of the show because it features paranormal and extraterrestrial phenomena. This is due to the large number of other television programs that feature made-up supernatural and horror tales.
But the idea that the creators of the show have developed is entirely original and sincere. One cannot simply draw a comparison and label the other the same.
So the answer is NO! The show is not scripted at all. The team that has been looking into the cases of extraterrestrial activities is the Cowboy Sky Watchers. This team has been working for this cause since the year 2014. Therefore, one cannot doubt the genuine nature of the show.
However, when it comes to the content, it can be slightly made up. What we mean to say is that the stories are similar to what has actually taken place in the American West, but a few changes might have been made in the story in order to make it more interesting. But this doesn’t make the show any less authentic. The team and its efforts are completely honest and real.
What do the viewers think about the UFO Cowboys?
92% of the viewers of the show have found it extremely intense and interesting. It is not just about the content but about the concept that has made it a hit. One can clearly see the amount of effort that the team has put in.
The viewers of the show have two perspectives towards it. There is one side that the people found the stories genuine and authentic. On the other hand, there are some viewers who believe that the show might be staged.
However, all the people who are ardent viewers of the show find it interesting. The main focus is laid on some of the animal disappearances on the farm and the appearance of UFOs. The show was aired when the hearings about UFO appearances were taking place in the congress. A navy officer had seen it and had conveyed it to the authorities.
The conclusion is that the show ‘UFO Cowboys’ is not scripted. The concept, as well as the stories, are all interesting and let people discover the side of the world that the human eye is incapable of seeing. Whatever happens in the show is thoroughly enjoyed by the viewers, who give a thumbs-up to every episode that they watch.