Bradley Cooper and Brooke Shields
Bradley Cooper and Brooke Shields (Credits: Getty Images)

Brooke Shields’ Seizure Incident: Waking Up to Bradley Cooper Holding Her Hand

Brooke Shields is sharing an extraordinary tale of her recent encounter, which began with a frightening medical incident and unexpectedly found her in the company of Bradley Cooper while in an ambulance.

In an interview with Glamour published on Wednesday, Shields recounted how Cooper came to her rescue after she experienced a seizure in New York City in September, which she attributed to excessive water consumption. At the time of the incident, the acclaimed “Suddenly Susan” actress was diligently preparing for her solo performance, “Previously Owned by Brooke Shields,” and the seizure occurred while she was engaged in a conversation with the sommelier at L’Artusi restaurant.

Bradley Cooper and Brooke Shields
Bradley Cooper and Brooke Shields (Credits: New York Daily News)

As she described the moment, Shields recalled her entry into the restaurant, saying, “My hands suddenly went limp at my sides, and I collided headfirst with the wall.” She went on to mention that during the distressing episode, she was “foaming at the mouth and had turned completely blue.”

The next thing she remembered was being placed into an ambulance, where she was receiving oxygen, with none other than Bradley Cooper by her side, holding her hand. She humorously remarked, “I thought to myself, This must be what death feels like. You wake up, and Bradley Cooper is there, saying, ‘I’m going to the hospital with you, Brooke,’ and he’s holding my hand.” She went on to describe the surreal nature of the situation, saying, “I’m staring at Bradley Cooper’s hand in mine, thinking, ‘This is strange and surreal.'”

As it turned out, Cooper was coincidentally in the vicinity of the restaurant when the incident occurred and arrived just in time to accompany Shields to the hospital, as her husband, Chris Henchy, could not be reached by an assistant.

Shields reassured everyone that she was not facing a life-threatening situation and explained that her excessive water consumption had caused a deficiency of sodium in her system, leading to the seizure. She shared that her treatment plan, as prescribed by her doctor, now includes consuming potato chips on a daily basis.