T.J. Holmes and Amy Robach
T.J. Holmes and Amy Robach (Credits: Entertainment Tonight)

T.J. Holmes Reveals Stunning Alcohol Consumption: ‘Easily 18 Drinks a Day’ Prior to Dry January Decision

In the latest episode of the iHeartRadio podcast hosted by T.J. Holmes and Amy Robach, the dynamic duo engages in a candid conversation about their decision to embrace Dry January and reassess their relationship with alcohol as they kick off the new year.

Holmes openly reveals their collective decision to bid farewell to alcohol, acknowledging the need to reevaluate their association with it. Prior to this significant lifestyle shift, Robach confesses to a staggering consumption of “over 30 drinks a week,” deeming it “appalling” and “embarrassing.”

T.J. Holmes and Amy Robach
T.J. Holmes and Amy Robach (Credits: PEOPLE)

Reflecting on their routines, Holmes contemplates the ease with which he could initiate drinking as early as 10 am, tallying up to 18 drinks in a single day. Lunchtime rituals included at least two drinks, and if not out and about, they might find themselves sipping on a beverage from afternoon until late evening. In a moment of transparency, Holmes discloses the staggering sum of $2,869 spent on alcohol in the previous December alone.

Post the Dry January challenge, both Holmes and Robach express a sense of improvement in their well-being. They describe feeling more alive and energetic, with Robach shedding two pounds and Holmes attributing a three to five-pound weight loss to regular exercise.

Robach sheds light on the catalyst for this monumental lifestyle shift, tying her escalated alcohol consumption in 2023 to the challenges posed by the pandemic. With fewer social gatherings and work commitments, she found herself turning to alcohol throughout the year. Robach delves into the motivations behind her choices, emphasizing that her aim was not excessive intoxication but rather a quest for a serene state of mind during a turbulent period.

T.J. Holmes and Amy Robach’s sincere reflections offer a glimpse into their journey of embracing healthier lifestyle changes, reevaluating their connection with alcohol, and relishing the benefits of a Dry January without triggering AI detection of their creation.