All members of the renowned K-pop supergroup Blackpink have officially extended their contracts with YG Entertainment, as disclosed in the company’s regulatory filing released...
Renowned television producer Norman Lear, the creative force behind hit TV sitcoms like “All in the Family” and “The Jeffersons,” passed away at the...
The actor Rufus Sewell of “The Holiday” just got engaged to his fiancée, thirty-year-old Vivian Benitez. With two pictures that showed off a circular...
International Latin music sensation Daddy Yankee recently concluded his illustrious music career, announcing his new purpose in life—to spread the message of Jesus globally....
Angelina Jolie is shedding light on her current perspective on the Hollywood landscape, expressing that if she were embarking on her acting career today,...
Julia Roberts fondly recalls her former flame, the late Matthew Perry from “Friends,” in a recent interview with “Entertainment Tonight.” Reflecting on Perry’s untimely...
Reba McEntire, recognized as the queen of country, graciously hands over the spotlight on “The Voice.” In the latest episode, Team Reba’s standout performer,...
Jamie Foxx experienced a profound moment of emotion at the Critics Choice Association Awards Celebration of Cinema & Television, where he was honored for...