In Devil Returns To School Days Chapter 69, Kim Hyunsung’s pursuit of vengeance escalates as he confronts his past, empowered by his newfound strength...
Magic Academy’s Genius Blinker Chapter 44 continues to go through Baek Yuseol’s struggle for survival in a world where everyone else possesses extraordinary magical...
Hanaichi Fudo is a reliable office worker who lives a peaceful and unremarkable life. Beneath his composed exterior, however, lies a long-suppressed passion for...
Elma, a 15-year-old boy hailing from the prestigious lineage of Sword Saints, had long awaited the Divine Blessing Ceremony. This ceremony was crucial as...
Tatsuhiko once harbored dreams of becoming an animator, spending his childhood immersed in sketching and creating stories. However, his passion was crushed by the...
In a distant world, an epic battle erupted between the Hero and the Demon King. Their immense magical powers collided, unleashing a devastating explosion...
On Monday, Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde announced that the beneficiaries of the Ladki Bahin Yojana would receive their December installment of Rs 1,250...
2024 has been called a “super year” for elections, as incumbent governments around the world have faced significant losses. Donald Trump’s victory in the...
Typhoon Man-yi hit the northern Philippines on Sunday, causing widespread destruction and forcing hundreds of thousands to seek shelter. It was the sixth major...
Overnight Israeli airstrikes targeted Gaza, resulting in a significant number of casualties. According to health officials, the strikes primarily hit northern Gaza, including the...