Hocus Pocus, a film that initially underperformed at the box office, has since evolved into a beloved Halloween season classic among millennials. While the...
Dolly Parton clarifies her exclusive fax communication preference. Country music icon Dolly Parton made a satellite appearance on a recent episode of The View...
Julia Fox has candidly shared her experience of an “overwhelming” relationship with Ye, formerly known as Kanye West. During her appearance on “The Drew...
Antonio Brown has made a $15,000 payment towards his child support obligations following his recent arrest. In a video posted on Tuesday, he appeared...
Bella Hadid, the 27-year-old international supermodel, is making headlines once again. This time, it’s not for her fashion prowess on the catwalk but for...
Juliana Margulies expresses concern over the entertainment industry’s silence on antisemitism. Juliana conveyed her disappointment that more individuals in the entertainment world aren’t addressing...
John Stamos reveals childhood sexual abuse in upcoming memoir. Renowned for his roles in “Full House” and “Fuller House,” John candidly discloses his experience...