American adventure reality game program Alone airs on History. Ten people self-document their daily challenges to stay alone in the woods for as long...
Kōta Amanahas wrote the manga Vermeil in Gold. Yōko Umezu illustrated this manga. Staple Entertainment premiered the animated version of this manga in July...
Red Skull, sometimes known as Johann Schmidt, is a supervillain from Marvel Comics. He is Captain America’s greatest adversary. In some of his iterations,...
Based on the same-named Marvel Comics character created by Stan Lee and Bill Everett, Daredevil is an American action crime drama television series produced...
Ukyō Kodachi and Masashi Kishimoto have written a Japanese manga for the series Boruto. Mikio Ikemoto has done the illustrations for the same.5th April...
The Witcher is based on the same-titled book series by Polish author Andrzej Sapkowski. It is a Polish-American fantasy drama series produced by Lauren...
Shinkoshoto has written the light novel My Isekai Life which Huuka Kazabana illustrated. Revoroot premiered the anime adaptation of the light novel in July...
Based on the Marvel Comics superhero of the same name, Loki is an American television series developed by Michael Waldron for the streaming platform...