Marvel Cinematic Universe recently revealed significant upcoming projects, and the fans could not be more excited. Marvel is an America-based media franchise that has...
Boruto: Naruto Next Generation is already prepping up with the new major Anime arc and launching new designs for Himawari, Kawaki, and more. Since the...
Ariana Grande is an American singer, songwriter, and actress. In 2022, she will be one of the world’s highest-paid celebrities and most popular. Ariana...
Tamara Ecclestone is a famous British model with thousands of followers on Instagram. She is the daughter of Bernie Ecclestone, the former chief executive...
Satoshi Wagahara has written light novels on which the premise of this anime is based. Oniku illustrated those novels. Hataraku Maou-Sama season 2 episode...
So-Ma-To (the famous duo) has written and illustrated Shadows House. Clover works worked on animating the manga. This adaption was aired from April to...