Jamie Foxx and Cameron Diaz reflect on their enduring 25-year friendship in a playful video shared alongside Netflix to promote their upcoming movie, Back...
Ludmilla is thrilled to embrace motherhood with a daughter! On December 17, the 29-year-old Brazilian singer announced on Instagram that she and her partner...
Sean Burke, the father of Enoch Burke, a former Irish teacher incarcerated for refusing to address a transgender student by their preferred pronouns, was...
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) has announced that the Senate will take action on Wednesday regarding a bipartisan bill aimed at equipping state...
A serious debate is unfolding within the Republican Party following President-elect Trump’s recent comments on the elimination of daylight saving time, creating divisions among...
A new era characterized by politicized prosecutions has emerged, overshadowing the traditional understanding of guilt or innocence based solely on legal principles and evidence....
Lawmakers in the House anticipate a potential vote on the extensive 1,500-page government funding bill as early as Wednesday night or Thursday morning, utilizing...
House Oversight and Accountability Committee Chair Rep. James Comer (R-Ky.) urged President-elect Trump to maintain transparency regarding his business activities after assuming office next...
A Louisiana resident has been hospitalized in critical condition due to an H5N1 bird flu infection, according to the state health department. The patient...
On Tuesday, President-elect Trump cautioned Senate Republicans against striking a deal with Democrats to expedite the approval of a final group of President Biden’s...