Taiyo Asano is a high school student whose extreme shyness makes it difficult for him to connect with others. Despite his reserved personality, there...
Youngest Scion of the Mages offers a fresh take on the transmigration genre, as the protagonist unexpectedly finds himself transported into the world of...
The Indomitable Martial King presents a gripping tale of redemption and second chances, following the protagonist Rifenhardt, a once-great mage who faces betrayal and...
Boundless Necromancer takes readers on an exhilarating journey through a high-stakes fantasy world. The protagonist finds himself thrust into the enigmatic Tower of Trials,...
Taiki Inomata is a committed member of Eimei Junior and Senior High’s boys’ badminton team, a school celebrated for its stellar athletic programs. Every...
*Reformation of the Deadbeat Noble* tells a compelling story of transformation and self-discovery. Airen Parreira, a young boy labeled as a “deadbeat,” often retreats...
Chronicles of The Martial God’s Return offers a unique and refreshing take on the traditional Wuxia genre. The protagonist, Dan Woohyun, known as the...
Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint brings a fresh and exciting twist to the isekai genre. The story begins when an ordinary reader, Kim Dokja, unexpectedly finds...
Sen. Eric Schmitt (R-Mo.) has withdrawn from consideration for the position of attorney general in President-elect Trump’s upcoming administration. Schmitt, a staunch ally of...
Tom Homan, who is set to serve as the incoming “border czar,” announced on Monday that President-elect Trump’s administration plans to intensify workplace raids...
Mark McKinnon, a former Republican strategist, described the election as a decisive defeat for Democrats, suggesting it could serve as a crucial wake-up call...