Star-Embracing Swordmaster offers an enthralling blend of underdog perseverance and magical encounters. Vlad, a boy from the slums, dreams of becoming a knight—a symbol...
The Heavenly Demon Can’t Live a Normal Life takes readers on an engaging journey of power, reincarnation, and personal discovery within the setting of...
Reborn as the Enemy Prince presents an intriguing narrative filled with themes of revenge, survival, and strategy as the protagonist unexpectedly finds himself reborn...
Return of the Mount Hua Sect offers a captivating narrative that blends martial arts, reincarnation, and unwavering determination. Chung Myung, once revered as the...
Regressing with the King’s Power goes into themes of revenge, self-empowerment, and redemption. The story follows Kim Taehyun, the protagonist, who has suffered throughout...
Superhuman Battlefield introduces a compelling concept set in a world where the once-legendary heroes, known as espers, have become relics of the past, their...
Donald Trump announced that former ICE Director Tom Homan will oversee the U.S. borders and deportations in his new administration. Homan’s jurisdiction includes the...
When Joe Biden withdrew from the 2024 presidential race and endorsed Kamala Harris as the Democratic nominee, a massive show of support quickly followed....
The New College of Florida (NCF), once a prominent liberal arts school, has recently undergone a significant ideological shift due to efforts spearheaded by...
The Kremlin has denied recent reports claiming that Donald Trump held a phone call with Vladimir Putin, advising the Russian president not to escalate...
Juliana Peres Magalhães, a Brazilian au pair, pleaded guilty to manslaughter in October 2023, admitting her role in a complex double murder plot involving...