Jennifer Lopez and Matt Damon continue to maintain a strong friendship despite her separation from Ben Affleck. Following their group photos at the Unstoppable...
Tanuj Virwani gained attention recently as he co-hosted the latest season of MTV Splitsvilla alongside Sunny Leone. His role in guiding contestants through matters...
Beyoncé, JAY-Z, and Blue Ivy recently enjoyed a trip to Nantucket to celebrate the wedding of Beyoncé’s former assistant. On Saturday, September 7, the...
Gypsy-Rose Blanchard recently enjoyed a “lovely” date night with her boyfriend shortly after updating her followers about her pregnancy. On Sunday, September 7, the...
Shailene Woodley is contemplating the impact that past relationships have had on her life. During a recent interview with Bustle to promote her upcoming...
Robin Roberts and Amber Laign are celebrating a huge milestone in their relationship! On September 8, the couple marked their first wedding anniversary with...