Sara Haines recently reminisced about an amusing incident involving an unexpected guest during a private moment with her husband. On the September 13 episode...
Carson Daly’s son Jackson had an unforgettable experience at the VMAs, particularly enjoying his time backstage. On September 12, Daly recounted on Today how...
In federal court on Thursday, the U.S. Justice Department (DOJ) presented internal Google documents, including emails, chat logs, and recordings, that revealed Google executives’...
Despite their reputation as one of Hollywood’s enduring couples, Nicole Kidman has clarified that her marriage to Keith Urban is far from flawless. Married...
Ewan McGregor delighted fans on Thursday when he brought his beautiful family to his Hollywood Walk of Fame ceremony, celebrating his successful career. Accompanied...
The lawsuit involving Texas Capital Bank (TCB), the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), and Ginnie Mae is set for trial preparation...
Emotions ran high during Wednesday’s America’s Got Talent Semi-Finals, as Terry Crews became deeply moved by a performance that hit close to home. The...