After over two years of being together, Rebel Wilson and her partner, Ramona Agruma, celebrated their marriage. The actress announced their union through an...
James Middleton is looking forward to celebrating milestones with his son Inigo, particularly his first words. On September 29, the younger brother of Kate...
Justice Alexandre de Moraes has imposed an additional fine of 10.3 million reais (approximately $3.36 million) on Elon Musk’s X platform, which must be...
The recent Israeli airstrike on a residential building in central Beirut has heightened fears across Lebanon, marking a significant escalation in an ongoing bombing...
A Texas woman, Constance Seinwill, aged 61, was taken into custody for allegedly murdering her husband, Ronald Seinwill Jr., 63, last week. The incident...
Daisy Zantjer, a 39-year-old Iowa blogger, pleaded guilty to poisoning her husband with eyedrops. Initially arrested in July, Zantjer faced charges of administering harmful...
William Robert Braddock III, a former candidate for a Florida Congressional seat, has been indicted for threatening the life of his 2022 Republican primary...
Dockworkers at ports spanning from Maine to Texas launched a strike early Tuesday, impacting 36 ports and involving approximately 45,000 members of the International...
Starlink, the satellite internet service developed by SpaceX, has rapidly expanded its coverage across more than 100 countries. In addition to its global expansion,...