Columbia University President Minouche Shafik has announced her immediate resignation, marking a sudden end to her tenure at the prestigious institution. Her departure comes...
On Wednesday, in the murder trial of 13-year-old Karon Blake, D.C. resident Jason Lewis testified about the events leading up to the fatal shooting....
Governor Tim Walz of Minnesota has openly shared the challenges he and his wife Gwen faced with fertility treatments, bringing a personal perspective to...
Vice President Kamala Harris has narrowed the lead of former President Donald Trump in several critical battleground states as the election approaches, according to...
A California company specializing in lab-grown meat is challenging Florida’s groundbreaking ban on the product in federal court. UPSIDE Foods Inc., based in Berkeley,...
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has taken legal action against General Motors, alleging that the automaker compromised the privacy of millions of Texans through...
Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz has built a strong reputation as an advocate for climate action. His administration has set ambitious goals, including a mandate...