Canada is navigating a complex balancing act as it expands domestic oil production while simultaneously implementing carbon taxes and emissions caps. The Trans Mountain...
In Gaza, amidst sweltering summer heat, the lifeless body of a Palestinian toddler lay cold in his father’s arms. Outside the hospital, Mahmoud Mikdad...
Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont, an influential progressive within the Democratic Party, has reaffirmed his support for President Joe Biden despite growing doubts about...
In recent political maneuvers across several states, there’s a concerted effort by some groups, often with Republican ties, to influence the upcoming presidential election...
The 2024 Republican National Convention showcased a strategic display of unity as former President Donald Trump and his erstwhile rivals took center stage. The...
During the second night of the Republican National Convention, the focus was sharply on immigration, with a clear distinction drawn between legal and “illegal”...
President Joe Biden has faced a tumultuous period following concerns about his re-election campaign within the Democratic Party. Initially receptive to criticism, Biden addressed...
The U.S. Secret Service’s response to a gunman’s attempt on former President Donald Trump’s life at a Pennsylvania rally is now under official scrutiny....