Major League Baseball (MLB) is attempting to rewrite its history, a popular trend these days. However, this effort is akin to performative virtue-signaling, as...
In a recent development in the case of special counsel Jack Smith’s pursuit of classified documents against Donald Trump, Judge Aileen Cannon once again...
An internal Border Patrol memo instructs agents in the San Diego sector to release single adult migrants from all Eastern Hemisphere countries, except six...
Emmanuel Macron’s decision to call a surprise election after losing to the far-right in Europe’s vote has made financial markets uneasy. If the far-right...
Benny Gantz, a key member of Israel’s war cabinet, resigned from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government. Gantz criticized Netanyahu for blocking progress in the...
Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, among 51 other intelligence officials, had signed a letter before the 2020 presidential election suggesting that Hunter...