In the midst of Donald Trump’s high-stakes criminal trial in Manhattan, an intriguing paradox has surfaced. Despite his well-documented clashes with legal representatives in...
As National Police Week unfolds in Washington, a glaring omission mars the festivities: the absence of a permanent memorial honoring the law enforcement officers...
In a bombshell revelation, a secret recording of Donald Trump discussing hush-money payments to Playboy model Karen McDougal has been played in court, shedding...
Breanna Cecil, a 34-year-old Tennessee woman, has spoken out about the devastating consequences of her state’s anti-abortion laws. After being denied an abortion despite...
In a shocking turn of events, Washington Attorney General Bob Ferguson addressed a brazen attempt to confuse voters and undermine the integrity of the...
As Donald Trump prepared to announce his presidential campaign in 2016, he ominously warned his closest advisors of an impending deluge of negative stories,...
In a bizarre and unsettling turn of events, former President Donald Trump invoked the name of fictional serial killer Hannibal Lecter during a recent...
In a surprising twist, Michael Cohen, Donald Trump’s former lawyer, revealed that Melania Trump, the former First Lady, played a role in shaping her...
In a dramatic courtroom showdown, Michael Cohen, Donald Trump’s former lawyer, testified against his former boss, revealing Trump’s fears of multiple women coming forward...