The Indomitable Martial King presents a gripping tale of redemption and second chances, following the protagonist Rifenhardt, a once-great mage who faces betrayal and...
Boundless Necromancer takes readers on an exhilarating journey through a high-stakes fantasy world. The protagonist finds himself thrust into the enigmatic Tower of Trials,...
Taiki Inomata is a committed member of Eimei Junior and Senior High’s boys’ badminton team, a school celebrated for its stellar athletic programs. Every...
*Reformation of the Deadbeat Noble* tells a compelling story of transformation and self-discovery. Airen Parreira, a young boy labeled as a “deadbeat,” often retreats...
Chronicles of The Martial God’s Return offers a unique and refreshing take on the traditional Wuxia genre. The protagonist, Dan Woohyun, known as the...
Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint brings a fresh and exciting twist to the isekai genre. The story begins when an ordinary reader, Kim Dokja, unexpectedly finds...
Sen. Eric Schmitt (R-Mo.) has withdrawn from consideration for the position of attorney general in President-elect Trump’s upcoming administration. Schmitt, a staunch ally of...
Tom Homan, who is set to serve as the incoming “border czar,” announced on Monday that President-elect Trump’s administration plans to intensify workplace raids...
Mark McKinnon, a former Republican strategist, described the election as a decisive defeat for Democrats, suggesting it could serve as a crucial wake-up call...
Star-Embracing Swordmaster offers an enthralling blend of underdog perseverance and magical encounters. Vlad, a boy from the slums, dreams of becoming a knight—a symbol...
The Heavenly Demon Can’t Live a Normal Life takes readers on an engaging journey of power, reincarnation, and personal discovery within the setting of...
Reborn as the Enemy Prince presents an intriguing narrative filled with themes of revenge, survival, and strategy as the protagonist unexpectedly finds himself reborn...