In 2019, millennials received exciting news of the Lizzie McGuire reboot, featuring Hilary Duff reprising her role as the main character alongside other original...
Vivek Ramaswamy’s bid for the presidency lacked credibility from the outset. The biotech multimillionaire, who withdrew from the Republican primary after a distant fourth-place...
The Barbenheimer phenomenon catapulted two summer movies to blockbuster success, highlighting the divergent paths of their female characters. In Greta Gerwig’s vibrant creation, Margot...
Argylle, the forthcoming spy thriller featuring Dua Lipa and Henry Cavill, revolves around the intrigue of an unpublished novel supposedly inspiring the film. Apple’s...
Enthusiasts of the great outdoors are likely aware of the often steep costs associated with essential outdoor gear. Whether it’s durable hiking boots, weather-resistant...