Comedian Katt Williams has reignited his ongoing feud with fellow comic/actor Kevin Hart, unleashing a series of provocative comments during an appearance on Shannon...
Despite their recent breakup, Kendall Jenner and Bad Bunny appear to have maintained a friendly relationship. According to a source, the 28-year-old supermodel and...
Kristine Barnett, the former adoptive mother of Natalia Grace, is responding to the allegations made against her in the recent docuseries, “The Curious Case...
Shia LaBeouf has recently joined the Catholic Church following the sacrament of confirmation and is reportedly contemplating the path of becoming a deacon. Bishop...
Kelly Clarkson isn’t rushing into another relationship anytime soon. As a single mother to her 9-year-old daughter, River Rose, and 7-year-old son, Remington Alexander,...
Variety has verified that Steven Yeun will not be part of the upcoming Marvel film “Thunderbolts.” While Yeun’s casting was initially reported in February,...
Rachel Lindsay hinted at marital challenges with Bryan Abasolo just a few weeks before he officially filed for divorce. The former “Bachelorette” opened up...