Selena Gomez is concluding the year 2023 in the company of her new partner. The 31-year-old singer, who recently disclosed her relationship with Benny...
Freshly released from incarceration, Gypsy Rose Blanchard is contemplating the trajectory of her life beyond prison walls. As one of the world’s most renowned...
In an unexpected turn of events, Kathy Griffin, the renowned comedian, has initiated divorce proceedings, marking a challenging period for her. Expressing her sentiments...
In a recent development, BLACKPINK members Jisoo, Rosé, Jennie, and Lisa have chosen to forego solo activities as part of their renewed contract with...
Jermaine Jackson faces allegations of sexual assault, as detailed in a lawsuit filed on Wednesday in Los Angeles County Superior Court by Rita Butler...
Gary Oldman didn’t find satisfaction in his portrayal of Sirius Black. The 65-year-old actor, currently starring in the third season of his Apple TV+...