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Joe Biden Garners Support in the Vicinity of Donald Trump’s Residence

Biden’s Plan To ‘Shut Down’ The US-Mexico Border, Explained

President Joe Biden has recently asserted his commitment to closing the U.S.-Mexico border, linking it to the ongoing negotiations in Congress for a border deal that would also provide financial support to Ukraine.

The border deal, which had been in progress for several months and appeared close to fruition in the Senate, encountered setbacks primarily due to opposition from leading Republican candidate Donald Trump.

President Biden, advocating for a bipartisan bill to address the broken immigration system, emphasized the urgency of reaching an agreement. He stated that such a bill would grant him emergency authority to shut down the border for rapid control, underscoring the political dimension of his statement more than its policy implications.

The president’s firm stance is rooted in his desire for continued funding to aid Ukraine in the face of Russia’s invasion. Senate Republicans had initially linked additional financial support for Kyiv to a comprehensive border management deal.

Joe Biden Garners Support in the Vicinity of Donald Trump's Residence

Joe Biden (Credits: Reuters)

Contrary to the president’s rhetoric, the proposed deal would not result in a complete border shutdown. Trade would persist, and citizens and legal residents could continue their regular border crossings.

Biden referred to an expulsion authority under negotiation, which would trigger when illegal crossings exceeded 5,000 over a five-day average. This authority would halt asylum screenings for illegal entrants until crossings decreased below 3,750 per day, although the final figures remain uncertain.

Efforts are also underway to streamline asylum case processing, aiming to reduce resolution times to six months and establish stricter eligibility criteria. The existing system, with lengthy resolution periods, is perceived by some as a motivation for migrants to come to the U.S.

This tough talk on border issues echoes former President Trump’s previous threats to shut down the border entirely. Despite Trump’s vows, such drastic measures were not implemented, and trade and traffic continued.

President Biden’s adoption of a similar tone, despite previous criticism of Trump’s border policies, reflects growing public concern about illegal migration but risks alienating progressive supporters.

While Biden claims authority to limit illegal border crossings, House Speaker Mike Johnson contends that congressional action is necessary to avoid legal challenges.

The proposed deal’s outlook appears bleak, with conservative senators and House Republicans expressing dissatisfaction with the measures. Negotiations have faced obstacles, with some Republicans seemingly hesitant to support changes in law during a presidential election year.

President Biden’s broader immigration overhaul efforts have encountered obstacles despite numerous executive actions and a comprehensive proposal sent to Congress on his first day in office.

The administration’s approach combines humanitarian pathways with border crackdowns, seeking to discourage dangerous journeys while addressing the root causes. Despite some successful policies, the number of border crossings has continued to rise, emphasizing the complexity of the immigration challenge.

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