DeSantis and Allies Spent Over $7,000 Per Vote on Failed Presidential Bid

DeSantis and Supporters Invested More Than $7,000 per Vote in Unsuccessful Presidential Campaign

The campaign for the 2024 Republican nomination proved to be a costly and humiliating venture for Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and his extensive fundraising apparatus. A staggering sum of nearly $170 million was expended, with the hopes of securing victory ultimately dashed after a disappointing performance in the initial primary.

Recent disclosures from the Federal Election Commission revealed that Never Back Down, the primary super PAC supporting DeSantis, had allocated $131 million toward his campaign by the close of 2023. Concurrently, DeSantis’ campaign had utilized $28 million during the same period.

DeSantis withdrew from the race after an Iowa caucuses outcome that left him in second place, trailing former President Donald Trump by almost 30 points.

DeSantis (Credits: AOL)

A thorough examination of the latest election filings from the DeSantis campaign, Never Back Down, and the super PAC Fight Right demonstrated a collective spending of $168 million in support of DeSantis’ unsuccessful bid. This translated to an astonishing $7,169 per vote.

Initially entering the race with substantial financial resources and broad appeal among culture-war-minded conservatives, DeSantis’ popularity dwindled as it became apparent that he lacked the essential attributes of a viable presidential candidate. Despite the massive financial backing, the campaign failed to yield the anticipated results.

Never Back Down, known for its expensive door-to-door grassroots efforts, encountered challenges in making significant headway among voters during its eight-month existence.

Internal strife, including rumors of infighting and physical altercations, along with doubts about the PAC’s effectiveness, contributed to the campaign’s troubles. Additionally, a considerable backlash from donors regarding the campaign’s strategy further complicated matters.

Two months after announcing his candidacy through a problematic Twitter Spaces event, DeSantis took measures to cut costs by terminating several staff members.

This decision was prompted by the campaign burning through $7.9 million in just six weeks and unintentionally reaching the maximum legal contributions from major donors. The campaign increasingly relied on Never Back Down as it struggled to meet fundraising targets.

The S.S. DeSantis faced its demise off the coast of New Hampshire, with the governor suspending his campaign just days before the scheduled second primary of the 2024 election cycle.

Despite enduring relentless criticism and strategic attacks from Trump and his campaign, DeSantis, upon dropping out, chose to endorse the former president. The move, seen as an attempt to repair his damaged image, reflects the initial steps toward restoring any future aspirations of winning the White House.