In the TV series “Suits,” Harvey Specter is renowned as “the closer” for his ability to finalize deals with his presence and reputation alone. Similarly, Joe Biden is portrayed as playing a similar role in various overseas deals that benefited his son and family.
According to evidence uncovered by the House impeachment investigation, Hunter Biden sought deals with foreign entities by offering access to his influential father and the promise of influence. Joe Biden would often join meetings, attend dinners, or participate in phone calls, signaling his involvement and sealing the deals.
These deals resulted in significant amounts of money flowing into Hunter’s accounts, which were then distributed to other Biden family members through a complex network of shell companies.
The House Oversight and Judiciary Committees suggest that Joe Biden was aware of and actively participated in these influence-peddling schemes, using his name and reputation to promote the “Biden Brand.”
Associates of Hunter, such as Devon Archer and Tony Bobulinski, have testified about the Bidens’ enrichment through the marketing of their brand as a powerful entity in Washington, akin to a sports brand like Nike.
Hunter once boasted to his Chinese business partners in a WhatsApp message, “The Bidens are the best at doing exactly what (the) Chairman wants.”
Joe Biden’s role in these deals parallels Harvey Specter’s approach: leveraging reputation and influence to close lucrative agreements. The comparison suggests that, like Specter, Biden’s actions were not mere bragging but a demonstration of his ability to wield power and secure advantageous deals.