Credits: USA Today

Biden and Trump Remain Tied, Raising Questions About the Significance of Winning the 2024 Popular Vote: I&I/TIPP Poll

In the current political landscape, both sides of the debate over the upcoming presidential election believe their candidate holds the advantage.

However, neither President Joe Biden nor former President Donald Trump has a clear edge in the popular vote as we enter the final eight months of the 2024 election season, according to the latest I&I/TIPP Poll.

Despite facing criticism for his lackluster campaign and showing signs of age-related mental impairment, Biden holds a slim 43% to 42% lead over Trump. The online national poll surveyed 1,246 registered voters from Feb. 28 to March 1, with a margin of error of +/-2.8 percentage points.

Biden and Trump (Credits: Bloomberg)

Among poll respondents, 8% preferred someone other than Biden or Trump, while 7% were undecided.

The partisan breakdown showed 85% of Democrats favoring Biden and 86% of Republicans favoring Trump. Among independents, a crucial swing vote, 37% favored Trump, 36% favored Biden, with 16% preferring someone else and 11% undecided.

As of March, the head-to-head battle between Biden and Trump is within the margin of error, indicating that the race is still too close to call in terms of overall voter preference.

Regarding the primaries, both Biden and Trump appear safe. Trump faces only one challenger, former United Nations Ambassador and South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, who garnered support from only 11% of Republicans in the I&I/TIPP Poll, compared to 79% for Trump.